But for now we're still alive, so let's do this.

Welcome to Kyjoo, where Velkarion is hot, and the ground beneath is hotter...


This is Kyjoo HeadQuarters. It is seen over by Base Commander Mars Pathfinder. Everything starts here. From right to left: the white dome is the habitation unit. It houses up to ten individuals on a permanent basis. Has a great view out.above it is an access tunnel to the thermal experiment dome and the control room lobby. That is the panelled section in the tower to the left of the domes. This tower is the control tower for local remote operations. From top to bottom it consists of the LC radio dishes,the open walk-out rooftop, the control room, the control room lobby, 1st floor autotech lab and ground floor biotech lab.

From the controlroom lobby, you get a door leading to the Thing 4's cradle. That is,


The Thing 4 (T4) is operated by our Dronid JSP. Makes gravity irrelevant during construction work. Built everything you see in this post. Beneath the cradle is a ventilation tunnel leading to the greenhouse. The greenhouse has 5 sections growing different plants to achieve different effects regarding the air output composition, and feeds into one another to create an air optimising battery of sorts. The section on top vents excess poison gases and burns them, as well as refeeds insufficuently processed air back to section 2 or 3 according to need. It also extracts usable gases from the atmo outside selectively.

Next to all that is the fuel processing plant. Those radiators on top keep things from blowing up during fuel production. There are six independent units working in series, so if one fails, the others can still work uninterrupted. At the leftmost extreme of the station you see a storage tank for the fuel, which supplies the drones and trucks.

You've seen T4. We have two more vehicles.

This thing's tough, man. Took T4 to and from the mine three times when it ran empty... a real hero, just like Dronid JSP, who drove the 26km (16mi) round trip time after time after time. It must have done at least ten trips like that. That earned Dronid JSP this...

The hover truck. Will deliver bigger loads to much more remote locations. Next to the new truck is our Surveyor:

This will help us accurately design our expansions.

And finally, the mine...

It has a retractable collector, and is now in basic running order. It will be expanded soon.

Station Commander Soyuzturtle has truly served a legedary role, sending every part down from orbit that we needed. And new drones everytime one glitched out or crashed out. Or sent fuel while the mine didn't function yet... couldn't have done this without him. Like for real.

He oversees PyroActive Station.

Right now his Dronid AstroThis is in the infirmary, but his work in the beginning of all this will not be forgotten. Unloading these Discovery ΒX's (D2) is no small job.

The first was NightSabre, the one with the amber accents. Its Captain Cosmo's fan carried nearly everything here from LUO (low Udgard orbit) to Kyjoo. He also refuelled NightSabre each time. A huge job. He has earned his wings on every account. The unaccented D2 is mine. Die Swart Kat. It helped with the last 3 trips to Kyjoo.

This is a team of heroes and legends. And this... is only the beginning.

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Christmas Event Category Winner
So it's in the end now.

:) :) :)


The Forum's Resident Whovian
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Now this is cool I'm glad I have a new truck


The Forum's Resident Whovian
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
What are my 2 trucks called what is their model name


A new fuel supply has been added to PyroActive Station. 3321t per tank gives the Station Commander a useful amount of fuel to start preparing for interstellar expansion.

Also, the eagle eyed may note new trusses. A nice upgrade, don't you think?


The Forum's Resident Whovian
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
A new fuel supply has been added to PyroActive Station. 3321t per tank gives the Station Commander a useful amount of fuel to start preparing for interstellar expansion.
View attachment 52502
Also, the eagle eyed may note new trusses. A nice upgrade, don't you think?
looks cool boss

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Christmas Event Category Winner
A new fuel supply has been added to PyroActive Station. 3321t per tank gives the Station Commander a useful amount of fuel to start preparing for interstellar expansion.
View attachment 52502
Also, the eagle eyed may note new trusses. A nice upgrade, don't you think?
Ja!! :D :D :D


Our Spaceport is under construction.

That there is a Gargoyle. Can do brief but useful work lifting 900t. Optimal max 300t. This load weighs 95t. Easy work.

And this is how we roll on Kyjoo baby!

Good stuff, one more subway section to come. A tour will follow once the building work is completed.
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Well the Gargoyles needed an upgrade so that got done. And then...

Thd subway and its ramps are done! And now, the cargo pass is being built. This section is 221B Baker Street. It will house the vertical loading dock.

This is a big engineering challenge.


Right, Tuileries getting the first of two Shuttle supports. The third will be at Jamiroquai.



There we go... Batcave columns installed. Now for some flooring and critical floor mounts...


Aahhh... much better.


Well I hope you are ready for this.

The beginnings of Discovery Spaceport!

The Subway along the ground is for incoming and outgoing wheeled vehicles the left 1/3rd is designated Tuileries, the centre 1/3rd is called Jamiroquai, and the section right next to the pad is 221B Baker Street.

Above 221B Baker Street are the supports for the cargo tunnel. This will be used by the Gargoyles to take payloads from one side of the Port to the other for loading - or after unloading - the Discovery ΒX that will be either hanging in the Batcave, or standing on the receiving pad above it.

Ah, the Batcave.

My new favourite place on Kyjoo. And Die Swart Kat's favourite place to hang out also :p. The pad above the ceiling will be that Receiving/Rest area for more casual coming and going. The tunnel to board the hanging shuttle will have a mystifying view of the Discovery ΒX though...
Thank you, Station Commander Soyuzturtle, for helping me out during construction. You did a stellar job each time.


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
Yay, I can post here now! That spaceport is big, does it lagg? I like the drones.