"I hate when..."

I really hate when i'm trying to make some 300 bodies and then the game suddently throws a freaking Launchpad in Space after days/weeks of a completely fine solar system, only to realize that two textures with the same name were in the Textures folder, but one was .png and the other was .jpg
Wanna break into NASA's super computer laboratory?

The Dark in the Light

You're gonna Gordon Freeman the scientists to death?
I sort of know who Gordon Freeman is so tell me what you mean by "You're gonna Gordon Freeman the scientists to death?" The crowbar is for the scientists to knock them out and the AK-47 is for discouraging the scientists to rebel when they wake up
When could put sleeping gas in the air and sneak in to the super computer lab
I sort of know who Gordon Freeman is so tell me what you mean by "You're gonna Gordon Freeman the scientists to death?" The crowbar is for the scientists to knock them out and the AK-47 is for discouraging the scientists to rebel when they wake up
When could put sleeping gas in the air and sneak in to the super computer lab
The scientists are fairly amiable, they just talk your ear off while security bares down on you from behind

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
I sort of know who Gordon Freeman is so tell me what you mean by "You're gonna Gordon Freeman the scientists to death?" The crowbar is for the scientists to knock them out and the AK-47 is for discouraging the scientists to rebel when they wake up
When could put sleeping gas in the air and sneak in to the super computer lab
If you know who Freeman is, then you'll know relevance...
Post your funniest "I hate when..." sentences.

I hate when a blue unicorn crashes my 747.

I hate when I have to wait 1 week for an episode of a series, and the next episode is just comedy that doesn't advanced the main storyline.

I hate a noob posts his/her great achievements done with RCS glitch.

Stuff like that...
1. I hale wh3n i mase typos
3 .I hate when i cant count
3. I hat whgan i haf a storker
4. I hate when scatman john hacks my accoun- SKI BI DA BO BA HFWOANGFYUIENAHFYIP HEAIUFNHIUAN I