Recent content by Alex152PL

  1. Alex152PL

    Forum Space Station 2

    I have made Kinetic energy converter. And yes, I did made it up. BP includes entire rocket, and a small drone, staging has been done too but I don't know if it will transfer correctly
  2. Alex152PL

    Forum Space Station 2

    Alright, I will try to make something of my own but I cannot promise anything. I'm dealing with a burnout tbh
  3. Alex152PL

    Forum Space Station 2

    Any restrictions? I assume mods of any kind are not allowed which is understandable
  4. Alex152PL

    PartEditor Mod

    If I were to be honest. The UI in my opinion is a downgrade compared to previous version/s of the mod, it is less intuitive and harder to navigate
  5. Alex152PL

    Discord Rich Presence Mod!

    I can confirm what FloatingEye said. Upon clicking the link it leads to 404 page
  6. Alex152PL

    Team Titan Entry

    I had to reenter Earth atmosphere multiple times because my return route was too high (Order of images is reversed since that's the order in which Forum decided to put them)
  7. Alex152PL

    SFS Orbital Velocity Calculator Mod

    When I tried to use your mod, nothing happened. Game was same as usual. Maybe I did something wrong, I don't know. There was not enough information on how use the mod