Recent content by BSA Space Agency

  1. BSA Space Agency

    FULLY reusable 2 staged rocket (SpaceX inspired)

    You mean downloadable content? Then of course!
  2. BSA Space Agency

    FULLY reusable 2 staged rocket (SpaceX inspired)

    Description: Making a rocket Fully reusable is quite hard. This rocket is fully reusable, but some parts are VERY hard to make reusable like the fairings, separators, etc. Btw, you can use this rocket to get your medium sized payloads to orbit. This rocket is SpaceX inspired so it looks somewhat...
  3. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

  4. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

  5. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

    I am temporary leaving this forum and may come in 2022,or 2021's December, with some cool blueprints. Hope you all cool guys will be okay, And pray for me so I can gift you my best. Thanks for the time.
  6. BSA Space Agency

    sfs 1.4 or 1.5 for pc

    Something it's not space simulator,its Spaceflight Simulator.
  7. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

    Is 16 GB of RAM worth to play SFS?
  8. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

    Can I not play sfs 1.5 in pc without emulator?
  9. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

  10. BSA Space Agency

    SATURN V Apollo 11

    Guys I am back.
  11. BSA Space Agency

    The Shuttle Bangabondhu SS-1

    Many many thanks.:):):)
  12. BSA Space Agency

    My Blueprints

  13. BSA Space Agency

    The Shuttle Bangabondhu SS-1

    What?I wait many time because this thread was not approved.So I upload it in my thread"My Blueprints"then I can see it has approved,:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:sorry.I uploaded that blueprint in My blueprints.
  14. BSA Space Agency

    My Blueprints

    Here is my first SS named BSS-1.Hope you will like it. Screenshots:
  15. BSA Space Agency

    The Shuttle Bangabondhu SS-1

    Hey guys.Hope you are well.Today I am presenting My first shuttle BSS-1.Hope you will like it. Screenshots: