Recent content by guestyguest

  1. G

    Kiloton Club

    i guess this will be harder than i thought
  2. G

    Kiloton Club

    im working on a rocket with one kiloton payload now and i already add 25 hawk engine to the last stage with the thrust of over 3 kilotons well i estimated there will be alote more worse cause the first stage will be lot more hawk engine this is the monster that i talk about
  3. G

    Kiloton Club

    you just have to transport it into LEO but well im suprised that you can transport it to moon LEO congratulations
  4. G

    Public Progress Thread (Off-topic SFS)

    im literally building a monster rn and it only use hawk engine and theres a total of 7...14... IS 19 HAWK ENGINE IN TOTAL well i will try and build its more booster at the lower stage and it gonna need 4 to 6 more engine in total means it will be 23 to 25 hawk engine
  5. G

    Post your payload!

    is this satellite is ok to fit into your rocket?
  6. G

    Post your payload!

    so what type of probe do you need? space station type, satellite type or whatever is it. Just reply my post and i'll try to help(my idea was to make a small part of a space station or smth)
  7. G

    The fastest rocket in SFS history(1.5)

    and yes i use the rocket to shoot the main bullet out of the atmosphere
  8. G

    The fastest rocket in SFS history(1.5)

    it kind of far away from the main goal
  9. G

    The fastest rocket in SFS history(1.5)

    also this is my speed when it was 31.5 km
  10. G

    The fastest rocket in SFS history(1.5)

    so what is the TEAM HAWK title means?
  11. G

    CuRsEd RoCkET Contest!

    ok this one more cursed cause look at its booster it will make the rocket to tilt
  12. G

    Launch yourself outta the Solar System without any thrusters

    also i just made a huge rocket with a wacky 714 tons just to launch a satellite into orbit
  13. G

    Launch yourself outta the Solar System without any thrusters

    well my probe will never come back i guess