Recent content by IAmWater

  1. IAmWater

    EFSS Pack

    I'm now looking for beta testers to help find bugs and fix any issues I may have. If anyone is interested, DM me on discord ( No planet editing experience is required, I'm just looking for people to beta test and leave feedback.
  2. IAmWater

    EFSS Pack

    I'm aware I said this is the last EFSS update, but I'm now working on a EFSS V1.4 for those interested.
  3. IAmWater

    EFSS Pack

    EFSS V1.3 CHANGELOG Rogue gas planets, rocky planets, and black holes Improved system layouts and distances Better terrain for a few rocky planets Bug fixes And more This is the FINAL EFSS update. I'll be taking a break for a while, and then probably work on a new one
  4. IAmWater

    EFSS Pack

    EFSS v1.2 is finally out! Here's only some of the new features 1. A new binary star system 2. 10 new unique planets and moons 3. Improved graphics for Sagittarius A* 4. Shortened distances between star systems to allow easier travel between them And much more! GitHub : Release EFSS Pack version...
  5. IAmWater

    EFSS Pack

    EFSS (Extra Fantasy Star Systems) is a custom planet pack made entirely by me. It includes two new star systems along with the default one. In total there are 18 new planets and moons, along with 8 smaller asteroids/comets for a total of 26 new places to explore. All bodies are unique, whether...