Recent content by JJX

  1. JJX

    Im back ?

    Yeah, I think im completely back now. For real
  2. JJX

    Rest In Peace Oppertunity

    All these sad talks make me wonder.... What's the future mars ?
  3. JJX

    Rest In Peace Oppertunity

    What a life Im going to miss opportunity
  4. JJX

    Im back ?

    So... How much has changed ?
  5. JJX

    Im back ?

    Hey there
  6. JJX

    My own plane of oblivion

    And here's the most awkward r7 that is not really popular except for rocket analysts The magnificent boosterless soyuz (This is actually real) Instead of launching manned and cargo missions it just deliver satellites
  7. JJX

    My own plane of oblivion

    And heres progress (in case you dont recognize it, it's basically a cargo soyuz)
  8. JJX

    My own plane of oblivion

    My soyuz design And also a working les
  9. JJX

    My own plane of oblivion

    Just a small thread for my random shits
  10. JJX

    We will mop the floor with the allies!

    What a refreshing sight
  11. JJX

    We will mop the floor with the allies!

  12. JJX

    Alliance Members Report!

    It's arabic i think ?
  13. JJX

    Faction flags

  14. JJX

    Best space game

    Which game that is the best by your opinion ?
  15. JJX

    Faction flags

    Yeah, Hitler is seriously mad at the bolsheviks which are communist jews. I guess that explains everything