Recent content by Laika

  1. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    UPDATE: As promised, I’m trying to provide an update and post something every Wednesday and Sunday. Progress Report: We’ll I haven’t made much progress since getting the site online (took it easy for a few days to recuperate). I did get the selection menu “functional”, as in you can select the...
  2. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    EmberSkyMedia thanks for the insight. Honestly I feel the same, it’s not exactly the best spot to have users download the pack. It was really only just supposed to be a placeholder until I could get something better going (which I believe I do now with the ACSS site). I’ll still keep the GitHub...
  3. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Kormak I had a feeling this question would come up, it's not very straightforward on how to download from GitHub. Since I have the site up now, I've added a Download button... Laika SFS - ACSS Planet Pack Alternatively you can use this direct download link... Laika SFS - ACSS Planet Pack -...
  4. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    NeilaSchweitz thanks so much for that HTML template, I've finally got the website up now!... Laika SFS - ACSS Planet Pack It's not "functional" in any sense of the word, the menu is not interactable yet. I've only just got the resources provisioned BUT I do have it dynamically creating those...
  5. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Altaïr thanks for that! You're certainly spot on with your insight there, I simply removed the ATMOSPHERE_PHYSICS_DATA section completely. Europa only has a tenuous atmosphere so it's barely even there. Also looking at the Example solar system they too do not have any atmosphere physics defined...
  6. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Sorry Kormak I didn’t have time to take a look at that Timewarp Hight Issue for Europa, I’ll try to dig into it tomorrow. Wow NeilaSchweitz thanks for that! I’ll use that as a template, very helpful!
  7. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Thanks for the heads up, I’ll take a look at this tonight. I’ve created an issue in the GitHub for this… Europa Timewarp Height
  8. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    UPDATE: I've enhanced the exporting into SFS format (some of the data was missing and/or in the wrong order) and added importing from SFS format. Hey Laika, I've noticed you keep posting new updates on Sundays and Wednesdays, is that on purpose? Well no actually, it just happens to be a happy...
  9. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Yes, that's quite a good idea and I imagine it can be added easily. Thanks for the suggestion!
  10. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Yes, that's the end goal, though I'll probably have it available as a website to support multiple platforms. It would be too difficult to develop and support a script that would run on each platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.). Plus many devices nowadays have disabled running scripts like that...
  11. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    UPDATE: I’ve added to the code base so I can translate the ACSS database and save it as JSON (which is the format used in the PlanetData files). Gee Laika, what does that even mean? Good Question, that just means that I can develop ACSS at a quicker pace by using a central database and...
  12. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    NeilaSchweitz Yes, I believe anyone with a GitHub account should have that ability, though please do correct me if I’m wrong. Good question though, it certainly would be nice to have ppl using those features, allows for easier tracking of issues and makes sure things get addressed properly...
  13. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Here's a GitHub repository I created for ACSS, that's where I'll be pushing any updates and changes to. You'll be able to follow the development as it goes and I've updated the README with the proper installation instructions for this current version of ACSS as it was mentioned earlier in this...
  14. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    Hey folks, Laika here. Just want to say sorry for being MIA for so long. I was getting notifications to my email from this thread, but then they stopped. I've been working on getting a database running that can hold all the planet data so I can make changes easily and hopefully get those...
  15. Laika

    Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Release Thread

    haha no problem! Just glad to help lol I was reading through this thread and the dev thread a bit last night. Seems you were also having trouble converting the Planet Data to the new 1.5 format. I created a program to convert them, it works quite well, though I did make it remove all the...