Recent content by Larkkarl1

  1. Larkkarl1

    a rocket but ive used my water bottle as the first stage

  2. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Credits: Google, Other jmnet Users, I think Pinterest, jordanli04 on DeviantArt for some planet maps, a other DeviantArt User with also not safe stuff I want no one to watch (included me). PS:I need the maps not any suspicious art...:oops:
  3. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Lylat outer system
  4. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Lylat Baricentre
  5. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Lylat inner System
  6. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Moungo outer system
  7. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    Moungo inner System
  8. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    It was bad to screenshot....
  9. Larkkarl1

    United Systems of Chanungism (USoC)

    USoC Version 1.1 Because 0xAstral requested 12 systems for the first Galaxy, and on December 18th, 2022, I said I would do it in the near future, but I didn't want to be a liar... So here it is: ##Unites Systems of Chanungism
  10. Larkkarl1

    Official Creepypasta-Thread

  11. Larkkarl1

    Official Creepypasta-Thread

    But Level ! got deleted in the Fandom
  12. Larkkarl1

    Pi x 10 ^ 62,800,000,000 = Pi with no decimals.

    Oh no it's just a normal platypus!
  13. Larkkarl1

    Pi x 10 ^ 62,800,000,000 = Pi with no decimals.

    If you are not a humanoid but also not a pseudo-humanoid, then what are you? A platypus?