Recent content by Moon Lander

  1. M


    Yeah, i didnt have the return... thank you.
  2. M


    Now, there is another problem, Im getting this error. Everything is set to same name, idk what is the problem....
  3. M


    Wait, im blind, sorry.
  4. M


    Thank you, tho what is comand ID used for?
  5. M


    what does this: ("helloworld","Print 'Hello World!'", "/helloworld" part do? I get that /helloworld is how you call a command, but what are the others, also how do I set int by command like /helloworld {int}?
  6. M

    Gliding heat shields

    did you do it?
  7. M


    Hey, can you make example project for this? I cant figure it out..
  8. M


  9. M

    SFS Modloader for steam version [English][Español]

    Please help, it dosent work, I couldnt post images so here is link to the post on reddit:
  10. M

    Cucumber's Build Upgrade Mod

    Can you update the mod to be compatibile with version 1.2 of modloader?
  11. M


  12. M

    SFS Texture update

    It dosent work, do I need to put TextureLoader.dll in the file named TextureLoader?
  13. M

    SFS Texture update

    I cant figure it out, how tf do you install texture loader?!