Recent content by Solo18

  1. Solo18

    A good Non-DLC channel I found

    Recently I found a great SFS channel all of his builds are non-dlc here is the link I essentialy liked his starship and space shutle :)
  2. Solo18

    Moon Base Launcher 2.0

    I cant see your pictures :confused:
  3. Solo18

    Off-Topic Thread (General Chat)

    That one
  4. Solo18

    Off-Topic Thread (General Chat)

    Do someone have more images of the '' Baguette-One '' launcher ?
  5. Solo18

    Beta testing career mode

    I tried it too but that was labourious i needed 20 minutes to understand that i needed beta XD :oops: but then this happens The srbs brun *_*
  6. Solo18

    Not exacly a space shuttle... But

    Sorry I made a mistake when i put the bluprint there it is
  7. Solo18

    Not exacly a space shuttle... But

    So it started as a jet, a very cheap jet then i put it on the top of a random rocket and then i tougth : I should do the hermes space plane but after two hours of design i raged and give up so it looks like that for now and the blueprint of course in reality it looks like that even if it...
  8. Solo18

    Making a space station but with a twist.

    Is this tread still on ?
  9. Solo18

    Taranis Space Station by me

    Hi everyone I am here posting to brag about my pride and joy, my bigest achivment, my masterpeice ! My Taranis Space Station named after the god of the sky in celtic mythology Tadam :cool: with in bonus a Columbus inspired module and a kibo inspired module :p