Recent content by USAA

  1. USAA

    Public Progress Thread (Off-topic SFS)

    The new S2 rocket: The booster is an improved version of the previous S1 landing tester, though I haven't tested an Orbit & Landing-type mission. Maybe soon.
  2. USAA

    Public Progress Thread (Off-topic SFS)

    Funnily enough, I was just trying to edit my post. Well, whatever. I'll have to relearn this forum, I guess.
  3. USAA

    Public Progress Thread (Off-topic SFS)

    Highlighting my return, I'd like to show off a rocket I've recently built, named Becha: I haven't tested the full carrying capabilities, but my focus is just more on the side of getting back into this game. So, for now, not a lick of weight testing to be done! Currently, it's carrying a...
  4. USAA

    Public Progress Thread (Off-topic SFS)

    Highlighting my return, I'd like to show off a rocket I've recently built, named Becha: I haven't tested the full carrying capabilities, but my focus is just more on the side of getting back into this game. So, for now, not a lick of weight testing to be done! Currently, it's carrying a...
  5. USAA

    General Projects

    And he awoke, and stepped to his computer, where he typed in the url to that long-forgotten forum he belonged to: the Spaceflight Simulator Forum. There, with baited breath, he drew up a new thread in General to reintroduce his presence and to show the next evolution in the program of which he...
  6. USAA

    la minecraft builds

    there's also a falcon heavy with starman
  7. USAA

    la minecraft builds

    If any of you can guess what the orange structure near it is you get a gold star.
  8. USAA

    USAA Progress

    New thing to do: Recreate a rocket. Idea for rocket: Terran R For reference:
  9. USAA

    Astron IV Crew

    So I would guess you ran some tests, Horus?
  10. USAA

    Astron IV Crew

    Very capable (and large) rocket. Current known capabilities is to the Moon.
  11. USAA

    USAA Progress

    First satellite in Lunar orbit. Also, two crewed missions to Lunar orbit and back, sadly, no documentation was made.
  12. USAA

    Expansions not working

    Not yet.
  13. USAA

    Expansions not working

    Update: I think I've figured out why its breaking. Mobizen. I downloaded it and the expansions broke.
  14. USAA

    Expansions not working

    Update: It is working again. Edit: Nevermind.
  15. USAA

    Expansions not working

    Well, time to hibernate for 100 years until 1.53. I have been online though, which makes it even stranger...