Recent content by zTallsRobot

  1. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    We have 15 cubesats now
  2. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Ok so, yesterday I had a little project about recreating every single Chilean Sattelite (all of them are cubesats) There's in total 8, and I made 4, I'm showing them real quick: Left: FASAT Alpha (1995, failed) Right: FASAT Bravo (1998-2001) FASAT Charlie (2011, this one looks goofy, I know...
  3. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    I'll also make some cubesat recreations as well
  4. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

  5. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Hmm, I'll do that
  6. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Need ideas to add to my collection
  7. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

  8. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Talking about this, do you guys think I should make more simplistic cubesats?! keep with the detail, or just use both
  9. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    So the collection is officially a collection now, it has started Altaïr Can you please remove the "(future)" in the thread title? As the collection has officially started now
  10. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Ohh yea I also forgot to mention that this cubesat is the first one I have ever done, meaning we have 11 cubesats rn
  11. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    We have 10 cubesats into the collection now!!! :cool:
  12. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Cubesat collection

    Introducing 6 new simplecubesats for the collection :p Introducing the Protoconstellatio Martia Cubesat group 6 cubesats made to create the first constellation to ever orbit Mars! This time I went to a more simplistic and minimalistic style than the detailed style I usually do.
  13. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Astronaut

    Did it work?!
  14. zTallsRobot

    zTalls's Astronaut

    copy the link, go to share then click download blueprint and paste (Ctrl + V)