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  1. ILovespace3

    Tier 1 challenge instructions (beta release)

    Wait, isn't this this just Team Frontier from before the Orbital Institute?
  2. ILovespace3

    Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan (MRCP), by Cayngrad Corporation.

    MRCP 2: Mission: Send a lander to Mars, which will research the Mars soil and atmosphere. Mission Images: Report: Due to failures in calculations, the craft went off course, heading towards the Mars surface, instead of just above the atmosphere. We decided to salvage the mission...
  3. ILovespace3

    Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan (MRCP), by Cayngrad Corporation.

    MRCP 2b: Rocket: Cosmos Space Shuttle 5.0 Payload: Booster Stage for previous payload. The idea is that this strategy will allow the spacecraft to get to Mars easier. Mission Images: Report: Payload Bay door once again had trouble closing. It is suggested that the magnetic locks...
  4. ILovespace3

    Cayngrad Space Technologies Thread

    Previously, I tried landing one of them vertically. It didn't turn out very well, but that got me interested. So, we made a vertical test version. Launch: First stage cutoff: Shuttle Ignition: LEO: Deorbit burn: Entering upper atmosphere: Re-entry: Entering lower atmosphere: Landing...
  5. ILovespace3

    Cayngrad Space Technologies Thread

    Welcome to the official thread for Cayngrad Space Technologies, a subsidiary of Cayngrad Corporation. Anything that isn't related to MRCP goes here. To begin, we are starting off with a dual shuttle stack! Two Cosmos 5.0's docked to each other.
  6. ILovespace3

    Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan (MRCP), by Cayngrad Corporation.

    MRCP 2a: Rocket: Cosmos Space Shuttle 5.0 Payload: Research Lander A, nicknamed Edison Mission Objective: Get RLA into orbit. Another rocket will send up the stage that will send RLA to Mars. Mission Images: Report: Docking ports for Payload Bay doors were not working properly. This...
  7. ILovespace3

    Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan (MRCP), by Cayngrad Corporation.

    [News Report] In March of this year, Cayngrad Corporation bought Lovespace Industries for $1.2 million USD. Then, just last week during a press conference, Cayngrad Corporation publicly announced their new subdivision, Cayngrad Space Technologies. Along with this new subdivision, they have also...
  8. ILovespace3

    Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan (MRCP), by Cayngrad Corporation.

    Welcome to Cayngrad Corporation, a company invested in the advancement of science, for all mankind. Recently, we have just founded our space division of Cayngrad Corporation, called Cayngrad Space Technologies. We have gotten hard to work, starting the Mars Reconnaissance and Colonization Plan...
  9. ILovespace3

    THE ROCKET ("Game")

    Add a Titan engine to the bottom
  10. ILovespace3

    DELTA IV HEAVY - Parker solar probe

    The rocket looks great! I do suggest making the tips of the boosters a bit less janky, and making the probe more realistic. Other than that, great guild!
  11. ILovespace3

    Return from the Pink Planet

    Make the super pink planet glow really bright, so that one of the planets challenges is that the colors might burn your eyes!
  12. ILovespace3

    How to make Haumea?

    Not here to help, but if you get it to work, can you send us a picture? I'd love to see it!
  13. ILovespace3

    Pause of certain Team Hawk missions, and planned rank improvements.

    Can my mission just be rated on the old rules? I really don't want to completely redo my mission.
  14. ILovespace3

    Pause of certain Team Hawk missions, and planned rank improvements.

    Oh, so that's why I've waited a full month and my shuttle entry still hasn't been reviewed. Thanks for clearing things up!
  15. ILovespace3

    Rejected Cosmos Shuttle 4th or 5th attempt

    I honestly feel like Pink is ignoring me. It's been a month and I still haven't got a response...
  16. ILovespace3

    ANAIS: Advanced NAvigation Innovative System

    I just thought of an inappropriate way to pronounce this mod, but I'm not a devil.... Wait, are those horns? Well s***
  17. ILovespace3

    Rejected Cosmos Shuttle 4th or 5th attempt

    Ugh... It's been almost a month...
  18. ILovespace3

    Rejected Cosmos Shuttle 4th or 5th attempt

  19. ILovespace3

    Open planet editing

    Wait what? You can make a custom solar system for Team Frontier?
  20. ILovespace3

    Rejected Cosmos Shuttle 4th or 5th attempt

    It's been about a week and a half...
  21. ILovespace3

    What planet do you hate MOST?

    I hate Earth. It is literally just a green sphere floating in space. I can't wait for the day that we get water. It will make things interesting.
  22. ILovespace3

    Rejected Cosmos Shuttle 4th or 5th attempt

    IT. LANDED. I literally have photo evidence! I don't understand what you think I've done wrong.
  23. ILovespace3

    Forceful Fuel Tanks