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    DVM3 - Gaganyaan

    I think the 2 docking ports, holding the command and service modules together, looks more like the real thing, instead of the stage separator. The rest could be better, though.
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    DVM3 - Gaganyaan

    Well, then your feet have a problem, because they keep falling. So far, I haven't been able to get it to work right with this BP, but I think I have a similar BP.
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    DVM3 - Gaganyaan

    I found a few problems with your design. There are landing legs just above and to the sides of the escape tower. The fairing covering the capsule doesn't seem to be attached to anything at the top and bottom. And, from what I've seen of pictures of the Spacecraft, there seems to be a narrow area...
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    DVM3 - Gaganyaan

    Has anyone made a blueprint for the Indian DVM3 - Gaganyaan launch vehicle and Spacecraft yet. They are planning on the first unmanned launch of Gaganyaan-1 in less than a year.
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    PartEditor Mod

    No wonder I can't find the Mod Folder and Mods Menu. I'm on mobile, and read it doesn't work on mobile.
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    PartEditor Mod

    I can't find the Mods Folder or the Modloader Menu.
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    Spaceflight Simulator Real Solar System (SFS RSS) V0.1

    Where can I find the Custom Solar Systems folder, or where would I create the folder?