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  1. tealflip

    Mac's Tabletop Radio Pack

    Everybody's favorite game: How long will it take for a DMCA strike!!!!!!! Jokes aside, this is super neat.
  2. tealflip

    Warpinator [ALPHA]

    I guess he hates the rounded nose cones lmao.
  3. tealflip

    Warpinator [ALPHA]

    What version of SFS do you use? Also, did you place a zip in there, or the direct DLL?
  4. tealflip

    Thread deleted?

    Yes. It appeared this morning that it was gone entirely. No trace of it. I find that odd but thank you for helping. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  5. tealflip

    Thread deleted?

    Good evening. I originally posted a thread in blueprints, however it did not go through. It did not break any rules from what I saw, and I ask why it did not go through? I spent a while making that thread getting pictures, links, etc.
  6. tealflip

    Prospect 6 V2

    What was set to release a month ago, is FINALLY HERE! For those who remember, the Prospect 6 *now referred to as the Prospect 6 V1* was originally posted about a month ago. I posted it initially when I had bought the Steam version, continuing the work made on my phone. As quoted from the...
  7. tealflip

    Warpinator [ALPHA]

    You can open up the mods folder from the game, and then proceed to place the dll right in there. Don't place it in Custom Assets, rather in the same folder it is in. Let me know if this helped. :)
  8. tealflip

    SFS game destroyer

    From my understanding, this can happen with practically any game on the Steam platform. Steam believes that when there is a missing executable, it will redownload everything, wiping anything previously there. This may not be true with your case, I can't look at all your files from my PC. Nor do...
  9. tealflip

    Pioneer Engine (Custom Part)

    Wasn't archived when I sent the message? Thanks for the forward link, but otherwise I responded before the archival.
  10. tealflip

    Help! I can't use the dlc I bought before!

    Здравствуйте, Мазгерман. Во-первых, знайте, что этот форум только на английском языке, и я использую Google Translate, чтобы лучше общаться с вами. Прошу прощения, если моя грамматика неверна. К сожалению, это то, что вам придется обсудить с персоналом, чтобы иметь шанс восстановить вашу...
  11. tealflip


    PREACH! Edit: I realize I should clarify, this is legitimately possible. Mods can work and manage in game parts, for example the SAS mod moving your rocket. I doubt it would be entirely hard for a simple .dll file to give me a scroll wheel on my parts!
  12. tealflip

    AstroCompat - Load legacy format part packs and textures.

    Now this is pretty cool!
  13. tealflip

    Too MANY MODS!

  14. tealflip

    Too MANY MODS!

    short and simple cuz im exhausted: I got too many part mods and now I can't get to some of them since they off screen, how fix.
  15. tealflip

    Favourite star?

    Me. I am my own favorite star.
  16. tealflip

    Rocket Rating Co.

    So are you actually gonna rate the rockets or nah.
  17. tealflip

    whoops i forgor how to bp edit.

    yeah simply put, i remember you could change the temperature a part can take before it destroys itself when you bp edit. I forgot the variable for this and im lost and sad. help.
  18. tealflip

    Hear me out on this mod idea...

    I was being sarcastic too. And while the part of weight is true, its a comedical aspect I learned in theater. [EDIT]: Also, where in the world did you find / make that shuttle? That looks MAD CLEAN.
  19. tealflip

    Hear me out on this mod idea...

    We got one of the head mods on our side now. The real question is, whos gonna step up to the plate and take on this challenge?
  20. tealflip

    Hear me out on this mod idea...

    Boosting this cuz I genuinely wanna see this get made. Share with your friends, your mom, your creepy uncle, hell share it with a random deceased person at your local gravesite.
  21. tealflip


    its a rocket. duh!
  22. tealflip

    Do game passes carry over?

    Depends on what ur gonna use more after the trip imo. Still up to you.
  23. tealflip

    Do game passes carry over?

    Steam already includes all the game passes. Even ones you don't have on your phone. Steam accounts are separated from the saved on your phone.
  24. tealflip

    Hear me out on this mod idea...

    See people? I am NOT the only one. Who knows, maybe once some modders finish with their current projects, this could be a group project to make sure it goes amazingly.