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  1. Dr. Alex

    Frontier Mars Landing submission

    I switched back to classic. Also, I figured out a way to access the flight log: separating the heat shield after landing. This rocket: Bellona-A (Nemesis-R, Enyo-R). I used powered descent for Mars entry.
  2. Dr. Alex

    Frontier Space Station submission

    I've added an engine, whose tank would be fuelled prior to crew arrival, but for now has low fuel. You can see my engine test video proving it can indeed propel the station to do orbital manoeuvres.
  3. Dr. Alex

    Frontier Space Station submission

    I'll do that later today.
  4. Dr. Alex

    Frontier Space Station submission

    The docking area is made of the 2 tanks with grey and the smaller square tank. The thing for it to change its orbit is the 2 small squares with probes at either side, which have RCS on them.
  5. Dr. Alex

    I can’t send BP links via DM.

    Mate, I appreciate the effort to anonymise me, but my signature is still there to identify. Also, now you've posted a screenshot, I can get to the blueprint.
  6. Dr. Alex

    Frontier Space Station submission

    I've switched to hard mode. These rockets are the Station-C (Flights 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; Station-1 Merope-1) and Station-D (Flight 5; Station-2 Merope-2). This took much longer than it should've, probably because I launched the escape craft fully fueled instead of putting that for a initial supply...
  7. Dr. Alex

    MoreParts Mod

    I'm not sure.
  8. Dr. Alex

    Rank question thing

    Is it allowed to do missions from later ranks prior to unlocking the previous rank? I want to do a Mercury mission but I haven't done Team Frontier yet. Can I get the necessary screenshots and then post them later after I complete Team Frontier?
  9. Dr. Alex

    Mobile Saturn 5 launch tower with crawler transporter

    What parts are those, besides the launch escape tower?
  10. Dr. Alex

    Mobile Saturn 5 launch tower with crawler transporter

    I've been using Part Editor for so long I forgot BP editing existed.
  11. Dr. Alex

    Mobile Saturn 5 launch tower with crawler transporter

    How is this with the mobile interface? It has rotated structural parts.
  12. Dr. Alex

    MoreParts Mod

    Does the antenna fail at all times or just some in the orbit? If it's some, you just can't connect with the Space Centre because that would go through Earth, and you should make satellites. If it's the whole time, I don't know.
  13. Dr. Alex

    MoreParts Mod

    What situation are you in? Orbit?
  14. Dr. Alex

    Things under names

    Well, I intend to. I'm currently doing my space station for Team Frontier.
  15. Dr. Alex

    Things under names

    I'm confused.
  16. Dr. Alex

    Things under names

    How is this done? I put some things in the "About you:" section of account details because I thought it would appear as in the screenshot. To be clear, I am not referring to the badges, but the "ITSA // Ex-MA" in this example.
  17. Dr. Alex

    MoreParts Mod

    I've encountered a similar issue, and was able to resolve it. Can you describe it more?
  18. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    I've done it again.
  19. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    I'll just do it again. Please standby.
  20. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    If you want, you can take it. I'm willing to do it again, it's only the first rank.
  21. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    There were no new challenges as I had done a test run, and it went successfully. Shall I redo the mission on a new save?
  22. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    The mission log has never appeared in my games, even with this new save with stock system. I don't know why.
  23. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

  24. Dr. Alex

    Team Titan Submission

    I call this rocket the Khonsu-C, first stage Máni-1, second stage Clarius-2B. The flight log has not been appearing whenever I complete missions. A very inefficient landing as I modified the second stage to have a Frontier Engine instead of a Valiant Engine. Mistakes were made.
  25. Dr. Alex

    MoreParts Mod

    Just a small comment. I've been trying to implement communications satellites but as intended, a burn on the other side of Earth to raise the apogee is out of comms range. However, when I set up ground stations (a few by using a very secure truck and 25x physics timewarp, the rest by Warpinator)...