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  1. S

    Ban appeal

    Your appeal is denied. Every interaction you've had with staff devolved into you talking in circles and attempting to fabricate some story of how you are a victim of a personal grudge. Honorable mention to the time you attempted to claim an automute was a personal attack, and then your...
  2. S

    Ban appeal: misunderstanding

    Appeal denied. The issue isn't the archived version of the game, rather your behavior on the server.
  3. S

    Ban Appel 2 (it’s been 2 years)

    Appeal denied.
  4. S

    Ban Appeal

    Appeal denied
  5. S

    Discord SFS appeal (number 2)

    Appeal denied
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    ban appeal

    Appeal denied.
  7. S

    Adiri's unban appeal.

    There are nearly 60 recorded mod-logs associated to you and your accounts. Appeal denied. I respect the brevity.
  8. S

    Ban Appeal, ban evasion apparently??

    You made an alt account to evade a 12 hour mute, got both accounts banned for evasion. Come back with a third and... expected something different. "but i was doing it to talk to mods since they dont answer dms and i thought waiting 24hrs was wrong." This is incorrect, staff do answer DMs. "there...
  9. S

    Ban Appeal~ Piracy... Please read.

    Appeal denied
  10. S

    Discord Ban Appeal

    Rule 6: Piracy in any form is not open for discussion. Appeal denied.
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    Ban Appeal

    Rule 6: Piracy in any form is not open for discussion. Appeal denied.
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    Ban Appeal

    Appeal denied.
  13. S

    Sorry attempt #3

    Appeal denied. Future appeals will be denied as well. "a person unrelated to the conversation" and "this situation could have been avoided if I hadn't been provoked." isn't a defense. This might work on your parents, but it won't here. My staff have every right to be involved with every...
  14. S

    Too Late Now

    "If you wanted to make one why didn't you make one? Why did you get someone else to do it and in a completely wrong channel to post something like that?" I make and post the majority of the announcements, it's a very mechanical process. Requiring all 3 admins to review it, check for obvious...
  15. S

    Too Late Now

    Hello Head Administrator of the SpaceFlight Simulator discord here. I'd like to correct a few things in this post; I asked infinity publicly, to make a happy new year post. Normal users cannot add reactions to the rules channel, it was me who added the reaction. Since you clearly have an alt...
  16. S

    Tricked not hacked

    Appeal denied.
  17. S


    You were given a reason, this was verified by you during your complaint to me about the responding admin. As for the other half of your appeal, a quick look at your logs states otherwise. Appeal denied.
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    Ban appeal rule 6 (2)

    Aside from the fact we generally don't accept appeals for piracy. You violated Rule 11 by using another account to interact with the server.
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    Ban appeal rule 6 (2)

    Appeal denied
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    Ban appeal

    Appeal denied
  21. S

    Got Accidently Banned (Second Thread)

    Your profile was found to be in violation of rule 3. You aren't eligible for appeals.
  22. S

    Ban appeal

    Your appeal is being reviewed.
  23. S

    Ban appeal (I'm sorry)

    You seem to have left out the part where you became aggressive with my staff and thought the appropriate course of action was racially charged language. Appeal denied.
  24. S

    thanks for reminding me why I hate moderators

    You were in fact given a warning. We are under no obligation to follow your rules, no one is actually. You are expected to abide by the rules of the place you are in. The rules in your head that spare you from consequences have no standing in reality. That common misconception aside, you got...