Search results

  1. Marerjh

    Realistically dense atmospheres

    A small pack with the modified atmosphere of the planets - now their atmo density corresponds (almost) to the real values. 1.5.3+ but it may work on older versions idk how game reacts to reentry releated variables at the planet's file. What was changed: Density of Venus' atmosphere: 0.025 →...
  2. Marerjh

    Moon Mission

    Just a moon mission.
  3. Marerjh


    Go beyond the Solar System and colonize other stars! There is are 3 new systems: Bernard's Star, Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1, that orbiting a giant black hole Sagittarius A*. Each star has its own planets - large and small, similar to hell and favorable for the development of life. Become...