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  1. Southern chicken

    Frontier entry

    mars challenge: station mission: V Voyager mission:
  2. Southern chicken

    Team Titan entry

    i did it,i think
  3. Southern chicken

    Protoplanetry system

    Protoplanetary system-full version After one of our scientists fell down a while hole and traveled back in time he was tasked with a mission:explore our protoplanetry system In this solar system you can explore our old solar system and see the system evolve for yourself,explore your favorite...
  4. Southern chicken

    Exo system (beta)

    This is a exo system with different planet,moons and asteroids. Currently there are : 5 planets: -Ineus(gas giant) -Oxymia -Carinium -Simarsium -Kicra(gas giant) 5 moons: -Sicenia(carinium) -sumadione(Oxymia) -Cinasium(Ineus) -Gidapra(Ineus) -Climonos(Ineus an asteroid belt with 6 asteroids(the...