Ban Appeal



Hello, I got banned. i would like to be unbanned because the ban wasnt okay. i got asked to change my name so i did but i was a bit too slow because my phone is slow. so i got banned after not changing my name after 30 seconds wich is way too less time to change my name.

Thank you


Greased up Beef Parrot
Discord Staff
Hello, I've looked into it a bit.
Before I continue heres the rules directly from the SpaceFlight Simulator Discord:
Rule 6:Do not impersonate other users. Grounds for immediate ban; do not impersonate staff, developers, or other users, including those who have been banned. • We include names such as "Everyone", "Someone", "Here", and anything that might accidentally be used to cause someone to mass ping. • This also includes names that contain "Moderator", "Administrator", and "Developer" and the variations thereof. If it can cause confusion as to who is in charge, it is not to be used. You may be asked to change your global name, in addition to your nickname.

Upon reviewing the logs, there's numerous entries of violations of this rule, across a two day span.
07/17/2018 4:19 AM (First entry I was able to pull the date from)
07/19/2018 2:02 PM (Last Entry)