Solved Can't delete old games... can't save new ones. Help




I've been experiencing an annoying problema with SFS 1.35. I have several saved games and hae been deleting older ones and replacing by new saved games. Since some days ago, I have tried to delete old games but they will not go away. After deleting them and later opening the load screen they are back there. in an opposite fashion, new games saved will not appear. Not sure what to do here. I'm running 1.35 + expansion pack.

I tried to see if I could find the game file in my android device's storage but could not locate the files to delete. I'm running on a Huawei M3.

Can anyone help please?

Thanks in advance

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI

I've been experiencing an annoying problema with SFS 1.35. I have several saved games and hae been deleting older ones and replacing by new saved games. Since some days ago, I have tried to delete old games but they will not go away. After deleting them and later opening the load screen they are back there. in an opposite fashion, new games saved will not appear. Not sure what to do here. I'm running 1.35 + expansion pack.

I tried to see if I could find the game file in my android device's storage but could not locate the files to delete. I'm running on a Huawei M3.

Can anyone help please?

Thanks in advance
Yes I have had this too. It sometimes fixes if you get rid of large unless ships that are in orbit in the solar system.


Your saves contain the info of every ship and all debris everywhere at the time of saving. Clear your skies of everything unimportant everywhere. Then you delete your old saves and you should be able to save.