Custom Part Challenge: Laser Weapon

There haven't been really any challenges based around a part pack - likely because of obvious limitations towards mobile users - so i thought would make one

So, I was going to make a bunch of different cool rockets to showcase the mod I made, then I realized I can make cool parts but not rockets.
So for this challenge the goal is to make a sick looking spacecraft... weapons.. thing that makes primary use of the lasers mod, like a death star - or something

Use the part pack (obviously) from here (beta version with nukes)
Could be a land vehicle or maybe in orbit or maybe even directly aiming at a planet from space, make it interesting
Give it a purpose, like a tank that defends a lunar base, or maybe a space station armed with a laser cannon to defend itself - or maybe even just an interesting nuke
You don't have to do this (would be pretty tricky) but it would be cool to see it be used in its environment

Then, if you let me, I will use it in the trailer for the part pack :)

A jet I made:

(nuke part is hidden in the missile looking thing)


Die-hard WALL-E fan.
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
So could I make something that isn't a weapon?