Solved Discord



Got banned from the discord for being muted, quiting rejoining. While still muted I got accused of being Unmuted, and without being able to talk, I got banned for evading punishment, I just want to be in banned, I don't care if I am still muted.


Got banned from the discord for being muted, quiting rejoining. While still muted I got accused of being Unmuted, and without being able to talk, I got banned for evading punishment, I just want to be in banned, I don't care if I am still muted.
I'm sure we can alleviate this confusion easily.
The mods there were taught to treat evasion pretty harshly, because our previous bot did not have role persist. I think its time to talk to them about relying on persist, and not banning for evasion as long as the bot continues to function.

Unbanned, as soon as I get your discord handle/ID