Farming Simulator 2022 crashes

Hi everyone. Are there any Farming Simulator 22 players on this forum on PC? I recently installed this game, but after 5-10 minutes it crashes constantly on the desktop without any errors. The processor in the game is not loaded even at 80 percent, I have 16 gigabytes of RAM. I tried updating the driver video card. The problem remains. Can not play, constantly crashes. Maybe someone has experienced a similar problem and knows how to solve it.
I also think that the problem is with DirectX. But it could be because of broken Microsoft Visual C++ library files. Most of them use it. So, try to reinstall it. I also crashed the game but it was The Witcher 3. Reinstalled the library and the crashes stopped.
Thanks, guys. Your tips helped. Reinstalled Visual C++, changed the file game_xml in the line renderer>D3D_12 to 11 and the game worked. Thank you all very much.