Finished Intelestellar pack

Hi, here is my third and completely finished intelestellar pack. It has 7 stars;

1 neutron star, Oclipsa.
1 giant star, Artructus, and another hypergiant Saldd, (so the sun will end in millions of years)
1 blue star bigger than the sun, Rigel.
1 red dwarf star, Orion.
1 very small star, just something bigger than Jupiter, Trappist1.
And the sun.

Some people tell that they cant open the zip files, But I cant upload normal files, I realy sorry:confused:
And if somebody has a new idea to add to this pack comment it.


I have noticed a problem with the persistant, which has an error, here is the new persistant which controls the global time and necessary so that the stars are not aligned and some inside others.
I feel this error.
