Green Interstellar Development Thread

Do you like these bug finding beta updates?

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ET phone home
Hey! This thread is for development and sneak peaks of my planet pack! I will post development stuff here, my planet pack needs 2 threads, an update center, and a development thread which contains pictures and beta versions, enjoy talking with me for beta support!
Here are screenshots that need to be shown, these are today’s sneak peaks for 4.1.

Your votes will be public so I can help.



ET phone home
Because I made it so that it follows Altaïr's guidelines, the planets are so close they are destroying each other.

Also, you can go to The Update Center for my planet pack. Green Interstellar Planet Pack

I use pinetools to make my atmosphere gradient textures, use it by going to
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ET phone home
I have a another batch of screenshots! I also gave Earth a new texture! I also made a custom moon as well as the supposed to be second 'moon' that approaches Earth once in awhile, Also, I made a moon orbit another moon! The name of the approaching 'moon' is 2020 CD3, an asteroid which orbits the Sun in a bean shaped orbit, it was just easy for me to orbit Earth though, I will release version 4.1 tomorrow at approximately 1:25 pm, it may be way earlier or later, custom moons are pretty fun to land on:p.

Man, this is what mine looks like:

To install a planet pack, just unzip it, move it to Custom Solar Systems, read the read me file, open the game and use it!

You shouldn't have so much junk like me and I even have a world that uses Eternia, Credits to Blazer Ayanami for making Eternia, I even had a useless planet pack I decided not to work on! My Solar Systems folder isn't really clean, it even has an incomplete solar system with realistic textures! Hopefully your's isn't as messy as mine:p


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