My first proper rocket to launch drone


Sorry If not good, i spent a half an hour doing this , i wanna learn more about this games physics and rocket design

The file is not saving here... Help

Im trying to attach the file in the thread, not working, it just cuts the file,
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It loads fine. What does not work, is your rocket itself... the rovers are stuck in the side pods. They can't open. Actually... I'll just let Horus Lupercal give you the other necessary advice.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
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Biker Mice from Mars
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Sorry If not good, i spent a half an hour doing this , i wanna learn more about this games physics and rocket design
Actually... I'll just let @Horus Lupercal give you the other necessary advice.
Come to think of it I probably put it in the wrong place, but the shop is quiet at the moment.

Would've suited more at the consultancy, but meh. This advice will work not just for NOPE, but also any of the newer members making launch vehicles properly as the tips are very generic.