My Reusable Entry


Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Mode: Normal/Sandbox (Part clipping and Infinite build area enabled, all other cheats disabled)
Infinite build area was only used for the ground equipment
Blueprint editing was used (via the 'Part Text' mod)

Since part clipping and blueprint editing (more exactly use of the "Part Text" mode) are involved I've attached the blueprint file for the rocket also. Let me know if you need the blueprint file for any ground equipment.

There are rather a lot of screenshots needed to cover 2 launches and all the re-assembly steps so it has been spread over 5 posts.

Summary (some of this is a repeat of my post in the questions thread)
The configuration is:
* payload on top of stage two.
* Payload + stage two inside a cargo bay of stage one.
* Stage one is not SSTO capable (fuel too low),
* stage two is not SSTO capable (thrust too low - fuel may be too low also)

The flight plan is:
* Launch vertically until stage one fuel exhusted and outside atmosphere. Rotate stage one to horizonal orientation.
* Separate stage two, thrust stage two horizontally until sub-orbital path 'looks good', when close enough to apoapsis circularise orbit, release payload, then lower periapsis to 60km.
* Stage one should be still outside atmosphere at this point and dropping vertically close to launchpad. Renter in horizontal orientation to maximize aerobreaking. Rotate to vertical orientation at 5000m in preparation for landing. Open parachutes (at top of stage 1 in vertical orientation) at 2500m and land in vertical orientation.
* stage 2, circularise orbit at 60km, deorbit aiming to be as close to the launchpad as possible

The assembly plan is
* replace parachutes (2- sides) and payload on stage 2
* replace parachutes (top only) on stage 1
* install stage 2+payload into stage 1
* refuel everything

The 2nd flight plan is the same as the first, except thr less care was taken to get stage 2 as close as possible to the launchpad.

In order to take off and land on a vertical trajectory, I needed to maximize the aerodynamic profile on re-entry. So the heat shield (46m long) was mounted on the side and re-entry is in the horizontal orientation. This gave some design constraints. To balance the weight of the engines I needed to place as much weight as possible at the opposite end of the rocket so the parachutes are near the top and stage two is mounted in a payload bay (empty on re-entry) at the bottom. Parachutes at the top requires landing in the vertical orientation - it also makes it possible to open the payload bay door when under gravity (with the assistance of an RCS at the top of the door). A low payload bay also makes re-installing stage 2 eaisier.

The fuel tank and parachutes were not enough to balance the engines so a number of probes were part-cliped into the top of the fuel tank. In order to counter-balance the heat shield when launching these probes were also placed on the opposite side to the rocket to the heatshield. All those probes also enabled the fairly rapid rotation needed when rotating from horizontal to vertical just before opening the parachutes.

In order to balance the parachutes between left and right at the top of the rocket, half of them have to be between the main rocket and the heatshield - so they can only be removed from the top (not the side). The easiest way to do this was to attache vthe parachutes to the nose-code and replace the entire parachute, struts and nose-cone assembly.

In case you are wondering what the probe on the ground to the right of the rocket is for. It is part of the ground equipment and acts as a 'beacon' to mark where the launchpad is and provide a target for stage 2 reentry. It was also used to measure how far the landed stages were from the launchpad.

Design screen and launchpad
01_BP1.PNG 02_BP2.PNG 03_Launchpad.PNG

Launch to orbit
01_Launching.PNG 02_Stage2Sep.PNG 03_PayloadDetach.PNG 04_Stage2Orbit.PNG 05_Stage2LoweringOrbit.PNG

Stage 1 landing
06_Stage1Rentry.PNG 07_Stage1HalfPara.PNG 08_Stage1FullPara.PNG 09_Stage1Landed.PNG

Stage2 landing
10_Stage2DeOrbit.PNG 11_Stage2Reentry.PNG 12_Stage2HalfPara.PNG 13_Stage2FullPara.PNG 14_Stage2Landing.PNG 15_Stage2Landed.PNG

Both down positioning




Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
My Reusable Entry 2: Stage 2 refurbish

Move stage 2 west
(it was a bit too close to the launchpad for some of the ground equipment)
01_S2_CarryWest_Launchpad.PNG 02_S2_CarryWest_Docked.PNG 03_S2_CarryWest_UnDocked.PNG

Replace east parachute and payload
04_S2_EastPara_Remove_Launchpad.PNG 05_S2_EastPara_Remove_Docked.PNG 06_S2_EastPara_Remove_UnDocked.PNG 07_S2_EastParaPayload_Add_Launchpad.PNG 08_S2_EastParaPayload_Add_Docked.PNG 09_S2_EastParaPayload_Add_UnDocked.PNG

Replace west parachute
10_S2_CarryEast_Launchpad.PNG 11_S2_CarryEast_Docked.PNG 12_S2_CarryEast_Placed.PNG 13_S2_WestPara_Remove_Launchpad.PNG 14_S2_WestPara_Remove_Docked.PNG 15_S2_WestPara_Remove_UnDocked.PNG 16_S2_WestPara_Add_Launchpad.PNG 17_S2_WestPara_Add_Docked.PNG 18_S2_WestPara_Add_UnDocked.PNG


Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
My Reusable Entry 3: Stage 1 refurbish

Crane design
(Ive included this since the crane details are a bit hard to see)
04_Crane_BP1.PNG 05_Crane_BP2.PNG 06_Crane_BP3.PNG

Replace parachute
01_S1_Para_Remove_Launchpad.PNG 02_S1_Para_Remove_Docked.PNG 03_S1_Para_Remove_Rebalance.PNG 04_S1_Para_Remove_UnDocked.PNG 05_S1_Para_Add_Launchpad.PNG 06_S1_Para_Add_Docking.PNG 07_S1_Para_Add_Docked.PNG 08_S1_Para_Add_Rebalancing.PNG 09_S1_Para_Add_Undocked.PNG

Install stage 2 (with payload)
10_S1_Ramp_Launchpad.PNG 11_S1_Ramp_Approaching.PNG 12_S1_Ramp_InPosition.PNG 13_S2_Install_InitDock.PNG 14_S2_Install_Approach.PNG 15_S2_Install_Docked.PNG 16_S2_Install_UnDocked.PNG


Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
My Reusable Entry 5: Landing 2 and mission logs

Stage 1 landing
07_S1_Reenter.PNG 08_S1_HalfPara.PNG 09_S1_FullPara.PNG 10_S1_Landing.PNG 11_S1_Landed.PNG

Stage 2 landing
12_S2_LowOrbit.PNG 13_S2_Deorbit.PNG 14_S2_Reenter.PNG 15_S2_HalfPara.PNG 16_S2_FullPara.PNG 17_S2_Landing.PNG 18_S2_Landed.PNG

Not sure how useful the mission logs are, but I managed to get them after some advice from this forum. How to get a mission log

Stage 1 mission log (actually the message log of the payload bay door!)
Stage1MissionLog1.PNG Stage1MissionLog2.PNG Stage1MissionLog3.PNG Stage1MissionLog4.PNG

Stage 2 mission log
Stage2MissionLog1.PNG Stage2MissionLog2.PNG Stage2MissionLog3.PNG Stage2MissionLog4.PNG

As an aside, some of the stage 1 design was 'reused' :) from my shuttle entry - still awaiting review for the v4 iteration.


He who asks ten thousand questions
Team Judge
Swingin' on a Star
Under Pressure
I really need to try this