Solved Negative Height

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
Man on the Moon
Well I land on Mars really fast and I thought I'll crash but I'll suddenly suprised when it's gone negative, although useful, I think it counts as cheating for the challenges and not realistic (except if its a deep crater) , please fix this bug if it is...


Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
Well I land on Mars really fast and I thought I'll crash but I'll suddenly suprised when it's gone negative, although useful, I think it counts as cheating for the challenges and not realistic (except if its a deep crater) , please fix this bug if it is...
View attachment 10852
View attachment 10853
It’s not a bug, you are just in a dip in the land. As the land is generated, it will have negatives