Recruitment to Team Frontier


Staff member
Team Valiant
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Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
Forum Legend
You need to add an escape capsule that can fly back to Earth in an emergency, and there has to be a good place for visiting ships to dock.


Yes certainly. As long as what you add fulfills the requirements. Make sure you don't cancel the function of anything you have attached so far.


Staff member
Team Valiant
Discord Staff
Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
Forum Legend
Unfortunately it seems the escape capsule is stuck behind your antenna thingy. Not very useful in an emergancy. :p
And there is nowhere for visitors to dock.
If you somehow add a docking area (such as a module with ports on the side), and make it so that your escape module is not trapped, I will pass this submission.

Lev from Ukraine

ET phone home
Man on the Moon
К сожалению, спасательная капсула застряла за вашей антенной. Не очень полезно в экстренной ситуации.:п
И причалить посетителям негде.
Если вы каким-то образом добавите стыковочную зону (например, модуль с портами сбоку) и сделаете так, чтобы ваш модуль эвакуации не застрял, я пропущу это представление.


Staff member
Team Valiant
Discord Staff
Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
Forum Legend
Oh, I missed that. So move your escape capsule to one of those, and I'll pass it.


Staff member
Team Valiant
Discord Staff
Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
Forum Legend
That suffices, congratulations.