SFS Modloader for steam version [English][Español]


SFS Modloader - Outdated

!!Now SFS has its own modloader implemented with the game, so this modloader is not needed for future releases!!

How to install SFS Modloader
Go to releases and download Installer.rar modloader version you need. Once decompressed, follow the next steps.
  1. First, copy "doorstop_config.ini" and "winhttp.dll" into "Spaceflight Simulator Game" folder next to "Spaceflight Simulator.exe".

    This files is used to inject modloader code into unity game. the code for these files can be found at this repo
  2. Copy "0Harmony.dll" and "ModLoader.dll" from "Managed" folder to "Spaceflight Simulator_Data/Managed"

    "0Harmony.dll" is used to inject code into game in runtime and "ModLoader.dll" is used to read and execute mods.
  3. Create "MODS" folder into "Spaceflight Simulator_Data"

    "MODS" folder is used to store mod dll files.
How to install mods
First of all, the mod need be compatible with this modloader and be on the same version of the game. To install all you need to do is copy mod .dll file into "MODS" folder in "Spaceflight Simulator_Data". Once the dll files are placed, you just need to execute game normally and you will see a black screen appear on your screen, that is the modloader console, at the moment is not possible to close.

How to develop mods
You will need Visual Studio and Space Flight Simulator PC version installed. In Visual Studio you need to create a new "class library(.NET Framework)" project with the name of your mod. Next, add in References the next files: Assembly-CSharp.dll, UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll, UnityEngine.dll and Modloader.dll. These files are the basic, but you can add more if you need, for example 0Harmony.dll if you need to inject code.
Now, in your main class and entry point, you need SFSMod interface, this is used for modloader to identify what is your entry point and run the load method of your mod. With that you can start developing mods, also you will need dnSpy to see game code into Assembly-CSharp.dll file.

How to develop new features in modloader
You will need Visual Studio and Space Flight Simulator PC version installed. First of all, fork this repository and clone, then in the Dependecies folder you need to put Assembly-CSharp.dll,UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll and UnityEngine.dll, these files you can find in "Spaceflight Simulator_Data/Managed". With that you can start developing new features. Once you have your new feature, you can create pull request on this repository.

Como instalar SFS Modloader
Ve a las versiones del mod aquí y descargue el archivo Installer.rar de la versión que desee. Una vez descomprimido, siga los siguientes pasos:
  1. Primero, copie "doorstop_config.in" y "winhttp.dll" dentro de la carpeta "Spaceflight Simulator Game" junto a "Spaceflight Simulator.exe".

    Estos archivos son usados para inyectar el código del mod loder dentro del juego en unity. El código de este archivo lo puedes encontrar en este this repo
  2. Copie "0Harmony.dll" y "ModLoader.dll" de la carpeta "Managed" a "Spaceflight Simulator_Data/Managed"

    "0Harmony.dll" es usado para inyectar código dentro del juego en tiempo de ejecución y "ModLoader.dll" es usado para leer y ejecutar los mods.
  3. Cree la carpeta "MODS" dentro de "Spaceflight Simulator_Data"

    La carpeta "MODS" es usada para almacenar los archivos dll de los mods
Como instalar mods
Primero que todo, el mod necesita ser compatible con el modloader y estar en la misma versión del juego. Para instalar todo lo que necesitas es copiar el archivo .dll del mod dentro de la carpeta "MODS" en "Spaceflight Simulator_Data". Una vez colocado los archivos dll solo necesitas ejecutar el juego normalmente y veras una pantalla negra aparecer en tu pantalla, eso es la _ consola de modloader_, que por el momento no es posible cerrar.

Como desarrollar mods
Vas a necesitar Visual Studio y Space Flight Simulator versión de steam instalado. En Visual Studio vas a crear un nuevo proyecto del tipo "librería de clases(.NET Framework)" con el nombre de tu mod. Seguido, agrega en Referencias los siguientes archivos: Assembly-CSharp.dll, UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll, UnityEngine.dll y Modloader.dll. Esos archivos son los básicos, pero puedes agregar más si lo necesitas, por ejemplo 0Harmony.dll si necesitas inyectar código. Ahora, en tu clase principal y punto de entrada, vas a necesitar implementar la interfaz SFSMod, esta interfaz es usada por el Modloader para identificar cuál es tu punto de entrada y ejecutar el método load de tu mod. Con eso puede empezar a desarrollar mods, además vas a necesitar dnSpy para ver el código del juego dentro de Assembly-CSharp.dll.

Como desarrollar nuevas características
Vas a necesitar Visual Studio y Space Flight Simulator versión de steam instalado. Primero que todo, Cree un fork del repositorio y clónalo en tu computadora, Entonces en la carpeta Dependecies va a necesitar poner los archivos Assembly-CSharp.dll, UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll y UnityEngine.dll, estos archivos los puedes encontrar en "Spaceflight Simulator_Data/Managed". Con eso puedes empezar a desarrollar nuevas características. Una vez que tengas tu nueva característica, puedes crear un Pull request en este repositorio.

Nota: Adjunto los archivos del modloader aquí también
Note: I am attaching the modloader files here


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New Version 1.1.1

Installation guides in this link

Change log
- Logger command change from "Loader.logger.log(msg)" to "Debug.Log(msg)"
- SFSMod interface change to Abstract class
- Compatible with MacOS

New Features
- Helpers by RYAN8990
- Assets loader
- Modloader target version
- Mod version
- Mod dependencies
- In Game console
- Scene console

Bugs Fixed
- MacOs compatibility by pixelgaming579

Note: If you already have installed modloader, only download `ModLoader.dll` and replace it with the one you already have.

Important: All mods for the old version are not compatible with this new version, so you have to wait for the creators of the mods to adapt them



New Version 1.1.2

Installation guides in this link

New Features
- Add early_load method in SFSMod class by Exund

Bugs Fixed
- Fixed console performance
- Fixed version regex

Note: If you already have installed modloader, only download `ModLoader.dll` and replace it with the one you already have.

Important: All mods for the 1.0.0 version are not compatible with this new version, so you have to wait for the creators of the mods to adapt them



New Version 1.2.0

Installation guides in this link

Change log
- ModLoder version attribute is now taken as the minimum mod loader version required

New Features
- Mods installed view
- Automatic installation if there are dlls in the MODS folder

Bugs Fixed
- Better performance for modloader console
- Disable drag if modloader console is open

Note: If you already have installed modloader, only download `ModLoader.dll` and replace it with the one you already have.



New Version 1.3.0

Installation guides in this link

Change log
- Helpers are now deprecated, use SceneHelper instead
- Change mod information display in installed mods menu

New Features
- SceneHelper to suscribe to scene changes
- You can add keybinding with KeybindingHelper
- Mods can now have keybiding settings in the Settings menu. (guide)
- Add mod folder attribute in SFSMod class.

Note: If you already have installed modloader, only download `ModLoader.dll` and replace it with the one you already have.



ET phone home
Man on the Moon
Does anyone know of a way to uninstall the modloader? I am trying to join the Beta and I need to run the game completely vanilla. I've tried completely nuking the game and reinstalling it but the MODS folder is still there after launching the game once.