The Kira System

Hi everyone

I've make my first system in spaceflight simulator
This is only the first version
I will add more things in the future

Now its time to present The Kira System
First we have Kira , the star
Some dwarf planets
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1 gas giant
And ourplanet with its own moon
XRecorder_10082023_053030.jpg XRecorder_09082023_161802.jpg

Now the link:.nomedia
I hope you enjoy it!



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PMed, broken link with no pack ("nomedia" instead of a pack link)
Hi everyone
This is my first post in the forum and I hope you will enjoy the system
THIS IS THE FIRST VERSION!, I will add more content in the future

Let's start with Kira , the star
Is a star similar to the sun , mass and size, Mein secuence star
An asteroid belt near to Kira which has some dwarf planets and 2 asteroids
Another dangerous dwarf planet near to our planet which has an invisible atmosphere
Our planet called Drisquede with 3 moons, 1 like Callisto and 2 asteroid
And farder away we have a gas giant with 5 moons, 1 of then habitable

Here is the link:
If you detect any bug or you have an idea just coment, I will glad to help
I hope you enjoy!