The Importance of 'Influencers'

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
Right, now I've got some space to rant, let's fucking do this.

Bottom line up front for you. The vast majority of youtubers are lazy, talentless morons. If that hurts anyones feelings, I'd suggest clicking elsewhere.
Because that's the nicest thing I'm going to say tonight.

Youtubers, instagrammers and whatever else-ers are a plague of work shy, pretentious, fame hungry like and share locusts. The vast majority of 'beloved' content creators are a vapid waste of time, symbolic only of the need for new, disposable content without substance to be consumed by the mindless drones awaiting the next product to be told to consume.

Strangely, I don't even blame or hate them.

I blame the millions that idolise such imbeciles, who despite having access to all the knowledge and entertainment ever created by mankind, slavishly inhale pointless, empty, clickbait level content with the vigour of crack addicts hunting down their next fix.
An entire demographic of mindless, thirsty, attention starved lemmings, following on from trend to trend without individual thought or preference.
This demographic deify individuals for presenting meaningless commentary and completing mindless tasks. One of these 'idols' is famous for literally watching paint dry. And counting to 100,000. A skill many of us mastered once we got our head around basic maths.

The only thing worse than him doing it, is that millions of people watched him do it.

More people have seen his face than have seen the Apollo 11 landings.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
1/6th of the population of the Earth tuned in to Neil stepping out of his spacecraft. Mr. Beast has 9 billion views on his channel. That's more than every man, woman and child on the planet, including everyone born and died in the years since the Eagle landed.

Some berk playing hide and seek for cash has technically had a bigger cultural impact than men walking on the fucking moon.

This madness continues to the point where there is genuine news articles about one of them revealing his face. Sorry, but all that happened is the mask slipped. He didn't die. He didn't spontaneously combust. If you're only watching his content cos you can't see his face, then his content is shit.

Or you need to have a word with yourselves about the true meaning of being a fan.
Daft Punk made a multi-decade music career wearing helmets. But I absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you they'd be just as famous if they took them off.
Because they have talent and loyal fans.

None of these hollow excuses for entertainers have even the tiniest fraction of the charisma and ability to become real personalities, able to stand next to true giants of the art. Instead relying on high volume, low effort drivel to stay relevant amongst the other slime and keep above the algorithm tidemark.

Long term? I have t shirts which have been around longer. When any of them hits Anthony Hopkins level of staying power, gimme a shout. Bruce Forsythes nail clippings have more raw ability than pewdiepie, t-whateverhisfuckingnameis, logan paul and that other retard he's always fighting combined.

In my opinion, such low effort, empty, talentless channels contribute to the worst tendencies of mankind and the sooner it dies, the better. All it promotes is more young simpletons with dreams of fast car (crashes) and empty relationships, sitting in front of a camera contemplating how many bottles of benadryl they'd need to drink to get 10,000 subscribers and hit the monetisation zone.
All it promotes is more fast product, consume product, bring in next fast product from fake people making fake content, so far removed from reality that laughing at suicides seems like a great idea to them until the backlash hits and the precious subscriber numbers drop.

Don't get me wrong. There are some people on Youtube that are supremely talented individuals in whatever field they're in. But if you can't see the difference between them, and pewdiepie, then I've got no words for you. Mark Rober worked for fucking NASA JPL and will succeed at whatever he does, wherever he does it.
Mr. Beast is more famous than the guy that helped build the Mars Curiosity rover, and all he had to do was stare at a wall until the paint dried.

Why bother training your body, honing your craft, rehearsing your routine, learning the tricks, creating the art, drafting the scripts, taking the hits, putting in the goddamned work, when all you have to do is stick on some anime cosplay, make a stupid face for your thirsty onlyFans and you'll make more money in a week selling your fucking bathwater than you could earn annually as a project manager designing engines for SpaceX.

But it's not that imbalance isn't what I hate most about all this. Supply drives demand and people will charge whatever people will pay. Do what you need to do, and if you get away with it, great.

What I do hate though with every cell in my cold, cynical, twisted body, from my fingertips right down to the core of my soul.
Beyond that spot reserved for the Space Launch System, craphats and early morning commuters is that fact that in this country there are people that would need to google the name of the guy largely responsible for winning the Battle of Britain, but know by face and name the man who spent an entire day playing with a fidget spinner on camera.

And beyond them, surrounded by an event horizon of rage so dense that even Legman keeps the fuck away, are those that see that as good thing and contentedly go back to their selfies and hashtags.

Now that's off my chest, here's a meme for the meme god.


Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Christmas Event Category Winner
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
What a great rant for retards!

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
What a great rant for retards!

This is just a generic, in no way tied to recent events, long term held viewpoint. It's not directed at any person or persons, it's more a general comment in broad terms and scope.

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Christmas Event Category Winner
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
Still I dunno why people watch a nonsense vids....

The Dark in the Light

I'm gonna read through this then give a proper reply, thanks for posting this mate.

The Dark in the Light

I'll be frank here. I'm in no way up to date with any goings on throughout the internet and barely pay attention to the useless and fake crap on YT and all the drama going on, so my knowledge on this topic is limited.
1/6th of the population of the Earth tuned in to Neil stepping out of his spacecraft. Mr. Beast has 9 billion views on his channel. That's more than every man, woman and child on the planet, including everyone born and died in the years since the Eagle landed.
Jesus. If someone has THAT much influence, they should use it for something beneficial, like a cure for Cancer. But instead they just watch goddamned paint dry for 10k, or something along those lines.
Some berk playing hide and seek for cash has technically had a bigger cultural impact than men walking on the fucking moon.
Another reason why I have zero faith in humanity progressing. We're more likely to nuke ourselves in the next ten years rather than do something useful.
Daft Punk made a multi-decade music career wearing helmets. But I absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you they'd be just as famous if they took them off.
Because they have talent and loyal fans.
I'll take a look at these guys, they sound pretty damn cool.
Why bother training your body, honing your craft, rehearsing your routine, learning the tricks, creating the art, drafting the scripts, taking the hits, putting in the goddamned work, when all you have to do is stick on some anime cosplay, make a stupid face for your thirsty onlyFans and you'll make more money in a week selling your fucking bathwater than you could earn annually as a project manager designing engines for SpaceX.
People these days are damn lazy, that's why. I won't say that I'm not lazy, because I am, but at least I could do well in school and get a good job rather than rely on OnlyFans or Tik Tok.
What I do hate though with every cell in my cold, cynical, twisted body, from my fingertips right down to the core of my soul.
Beyond that spot reserved for the Space Launch System, craphats and early morning commuters is that fact that in this country there are people that would need to google the name of the guy largely responsible for winning the Battle of Britain, but know by face and name the man who spent an entire day playing with a fidget spinner on camera.
99% of people I know don't know squat about important things like that. When I try to talk about it they brush it off cos it's boring and meaningless, or barely pay attention. Your goddamned fake YouTubers are boring and meaningless, not this.

On another note, why the hell do people promote smoking and doing drugs to kids? I know some people, even a good friend of mine, who does this. Same for energy drinks.


«★★★» Grand Admiral «★★★» // PT
Swingin' on a Star
Fly me to the Moon
Jesus. If someone has THAT much influence, they should use it for something beneficial, like a cure for Cancer. But instead they just watch goddamne
I mean as much as I don't like him , he does give a hell of at lot to charities.
Another reason why I have zero faith in humanity progressing. We're more likely to nuke ourselves in the next ten years rather than do something useful.
Don't let the majority of social media get to you. Humanity still has a fuck load of brilliant minds who will stride for innovation on behalf of everyone.
As shit as things seem , we'll get through it and dumb people on social media isnt the end of the world. Don't loose hope just yet mate.

The Dark in the Light

Damnit, something went wrong. I'll fix this.

Don't let the majority of social media get to you. Humanity still has a fuck load of brilliant minds who will stride for innovation on behalf of everyone.
As shit as things seem , we'll get through it and dumb people on social media isnt the end of the world. Don't loose hope just yet mate.
Yeah, true. Guess I've had a bit of tunnel vision there. I hope for the best but prepare for the worst (I still have to make a doomsday kit).
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Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Etherian you keep messing your quotes, lol. :p I’ll fix them for you, don’t worry.

But yeah, that’s why I’m out of almost every social media. Cause most of them are a fucking waste of time. Take Facebook for example. You may have 9000 friends, and a billion other people liking your post, but you can be sure only 10 of them will run to help you, if you ever need them.

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Christmas Event Category Winner
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
Etherian you keep messing your quotes, lol. :p I’ll fix them for you, don’t worry.

But yeah, that’s why I’m out of almost every social media. Cause most of them are a fucking waste of time. Take Facebook for example. You may have 9000 friends, and a billion other people liking your post, but you can be sure only 10 of them will run to help you, if you ever need them.
i dunno if i've even get a simple help from that list either? :p

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
i dunno if i've even get a simple help from that list either? :p
That’s the thing. 99 percent of those ‘friends’ will not move a single finger to help you. What kind of ‘friendship’ is that?

And about the influencers, most of them aren’t even what they claim to be. There was a recent case discovered when a famous 25-year old Japanese girl who made videos about motorbikes was a actually a 65 year-old man sitting on his basement with a lot of informátic tools. So no, don’t trust them either.
No problem.
Sorry to break this to you but, these people wouldn't give an atom of shit to what you say to them. They're literally more successful than you Horus.


Alliance’s Executor // Unstable and Toxic
Moon Maker
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
MOTY 2021
Sorry to break this to you but, these people wouldn't give an atom of shit to what you say to them. They're literally more successful than you Horus.
Why bother training your body, honing your craft, rehearsing your routine, learning the tricks, creating the art, drafting the scripts, taking the hits, putting in the goddamned work, when all you have to do is stick on some anime cosplay, make a stupid face for your thirsty onlyFans and you'll make more money in a week selling your fucking bathwater than you could earn annually as a project manager designing engines for SpaceX.
You might be missing the point of the rant, he's pissed because they're succesfull because people watch them even though all their content is low-effort shit.


Man on the Moon
Right, now I've got some space to rant, let's fucking do this.

Bottom line up front for you. The vast majority of youtubers are lazy, talentless morons. If that hurts anyones feelings, I'd suggest clicking elsewhere.
Because that's the nicest thing I'm going to say tonight.

Youtubers, instagrammers and whatever else-ers are a plague of work shy, pretentious, fame hungry like and share locusts. The vast majority of 'beloved' content creators are a vapid waste of time, symbolic only of the need for new, disposable content without substance to be consumed by the mindless drones awaiting the next product to be told to consume.

Strangely, I don't even blame or hate them.

I blame the millions that idolise such imbeciles, who despite having access to all the knowledge and entertainment ever created by mankind, slavishly inhale pointless, empty, clickbait level content with the vigour of crack addicts hunting down their next fix.
An entire demographic of mindless, thirsty, attention starved lemmings, following on from trend to trend without individual thought or preference.
This demographic deify individuals for presenting meaningless commentary and completing mindless tasks. One of these 'idols' is famous for literally watching paint dry. And counting to 100,000. A skill many of us mastered once we got our head around basic maths.

The only thing worse than him doing it, is that millions of people watched him do it.

More people have seen his face than have seen the Apollo 11 landings.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
1/6th of the population of the Earth tuned in to Neil stepping out of his spacecraft. Mr. Beast has 9 billion views on his channel. That's more than every man, woman and child on the planet, including everyone born and died in the years since the Eagle landed.

Some berk playing hide and seek for cash has technically had a bigger cultural impact than men walking on the fucking moon.

This madness continues to the point where there is genuine news articles about one of them revealing his face. Sorry, but all that happened is the mask slipped. He didn't die. He didn't spontaneously combust. If you're only watching his content cos you can't see his face, then his content is shit.

Or you need to have a word with yourselves about the true meaning of being a fan.
Daft Punk made a multi-decade music career wearing helmets. But I absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you they'd be just as famous if they took them off.
Because they have talent and loyal fans.

None of these hollow excuses for entertainers have even the tiniest fraction of the charisma and ability to become real personalities, able to stand next to true giants of the art. Instead relying on high volume, low effort drivel to stay relevant amongst the other slime and keep above the algorithm tidemark.

Long term? I have t shirts which have been around longer. When any of them hits Anthony Hopkins level of staying power, gimme a shout. Bruce Forsythes nail clippings have more raw ability than pewdiepie, t-whateverhisfuckingnameis, logan paul and that other retard he's always fighting combined.

In my opinion, such low effort, empty, talentless channels contribute to the worst tendencies of mankind and the sooner it dies, the better. All it promotes is more young simpletons with dreams of fast car (crashes) and empty relationships, sitting in front of a camera contemplating how many bottles of benadryl they'd need to drink to get 10,000 subscribers and hit the monetisation zone.
All it promotes is more fast product, consume product, bring in next fast product from fake people making fake content, so far removed from reality that laughing at suicides seems like a great idea to them until the backlash hits and the precious subscriber numbers drop.

Don't get me wrong. There are some people on Youtube that are supremely talented individuals in whatever field they're in. But if you can't see the difference between them, and pewdiepie, then I've got no words for you. Mark Rober worked for fucking NASA JPL and will succeed at whatever he does, wherever he does it.
Mr. Beast is more famous than the guy that helped build the Mars Curiosity rover, and all he had to do was stare at a wall until the paint dried.

Why bother training your body, honing your craft, rehearsing your routine, learning the tricks, creating the art, drafting the scripts, taking the hits, putting in the goddamned work, when all you have to do is stick on some anime cosplay, make a stupid face for your thirsty onlyFans and you'll make more money in a week selling your fucking bathwater than you could earn annually as a project manager designing engines for SpaceX.

But it's not that imbalance isn't what I hate most about all this. Supply drives demand and people will charge whatever people will pay. Do what you need to do, and if you get away with it, great.

What I do hate though with every cell in my cold, cynical, twisted body, from my fingertips right down to the core of my soul.
Beyond that spot reserved for the Space Launch System, craphats and early morning commuters is that fact that in this country there are people that would need to google the name of the guy largely responsible for winning the Battle of Britain, but know by face and name the man who spent an entire day playing with a fidget spinner on camera.

And beyond them, surrounded by an event horizon of rage so dense that even Legman keeps the fuck away, are those that see that as good thing and contentedly go back to their selfies and hashtags.

Now that's off my chest, here's a meme for the meme god.

View attachment 59856
Gold Standard knowledge


«★★★» Grand Admiral «★★★» // PT
Swingin' on a Star
Fly me to the Moon
His channel sponsors give a hell of a lot to charities.
Can't argue with that.

Oh well, it seems he's at such a low form of living, that's what failures do I guess.
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt but from context , it really seems like your calling Horus a failure. If you are , I really don't want to see that again. As much as you may not like someone on these forums , you must always at least maintain some respect for them.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
I still have to make a doomsday kit
There's a thought. How is that going?

Sorry to break this to you but, these people wouldn't give an atom of shit to what you say to them. They're literally more successful than you Horus.
I'm wondering if you missed the point of the rant...
I would say yes, he has. Unsurprising really.
In short terms, I'm fully aware they couldn't care. I didn't say they did, or even should. If you read and understood my words, you'll even note I didn't blame them either.
I blamed all of you. Which is probably the reason for the retort, as opposed to any actual objective evidence or considered viewpoint.
Success is a subjective metric. If by successful, you mean notorious, infamous, then yes, they are more successful than I am. If by successful you mean respected at the top of a chosen profession for long periods of time, then your precious influencers have got another 10 years to go before they even come close to me.
They could never do what I have done. Because my job takes time and effort.
Whereas I could abase myself online anytime I wanted. Selling my dignity for like and shares would be easy to do, I'd just need a camera. Hell, I could even make a success from YouTube without being a boring, talentless turd.
Serving and ex military content creators doing 'reaction videos' are quite big at the moment. I could sit in my room in front of a camera and tear badly made combat scenes apart anytime I liked. Hell, I do it here for free.
Or make videos reviewing kit, 'how to' videos aimed at recruits/airsofters. And do a better job of it all than the vast majority of the current crop, especially the british ones.
Fuck man, I could take up paintball and get millions of views filming myself annihilating unsuspecting people in wood blocks.
And they'd eat it out of my hand.

Oh well, it seems he's at such a low form of living, that's what failures do I guess.
It's a shame, the only bit you had sort of right is the bit you lined out.
There's an oft repeated but rather false phrase about paratroopers in that we have never failed at any task.
it's not true of course. You don't even have to look that hard for examples of airborne forces not completing all objectives set to them. And of course I have failed at things. I should hope everyone gets to the point of failure at some point in life.
That's where the learning happens.
If you've never failed, you've never tried for anything worthwhile. You'll never know what you're capable of until you go out that far and you'll never learn anything about yourself until you get there. If there isn't a chance of failure, then the rewards aren't worth it.
Failing isn't a bad thing.

Judging 'success' by fame alone, or even through the absence of failure, is a worrying trait. It removes context, the hard work and dedication of those willing to dare greatly for the sake of the challenge, not the fame and creates a band of lazy, risk averse, fame hungry individuals, who then act as role models for young people to emulate and adulate in that all consuming rush for notoriety at the expense of dignity.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt but from context , it really seems like your calling Horus a failure. If you are , I really don't want to see that again. As much as you may not like someone on these forums , you must always at least maintain some respect for them
It's ok Soyuz. I dare say I've ruffled a few feathers in my time here and I don't want or need his respect. He isn't being who he really is so he doesn't even respect himself. Either that or he's unable to operate a calender and get his date of birth correct. And whilst I may not have a few billion views on Youtube, I at least get the basics right.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Team Kolibri
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
Right, now I've got some space to rant, let's fucking do this.

Bottom line up front for you. The vast majority of youtubers are lazy, talentless morons. If that hurts anyones feelings, I'd suggest clicking elsewhere.
Because that's the nicest thing I'm going to say tonight.

Youtubers, instagrammers and whatever else-ers are a plague of work shy, pretentious, fame hungry like and share locusts. The vast majority of 'beloved' content creators are a vapid waste of time, symbolic only of the need for new, disposable content without substance to be consumed by the mindless drones awaiting the next product to be told to consume.

Strangely, I don't even blame or hate them.

I blame the millions that idolise such imbeciles, who despite having access to all the knowledge and entertainment ever created by mankind, slavishly inhale pointless, empty, clickbait level content with the vigour of crack addicts hunting down their next fix.
An entire demographic of mindless, thirsty, attention starved lemmings, following on from trend to trend without individual thought or preference.
This demographic deify individuals for presenting meaningless commentary and completing mindless tasks. One of these 'idols' is famous for literally watching paint dry. And counting to 100,000. A skill many of us mastered once we got our head around basic maths.

The only thing worse than him doing it, is that millions of people watched him do it.

More people have seen his face than have seen the Apollo 11 landings.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
1/6th of the population of the Earth tuned in to Neil stepping out of his spacecraft. Mr. Beast has 9 billion views on his channel. That's more than every man, woman and child on the planet, including everyone born and died in the years since the Eagle landed.

Some berk playing hide and seek for cash has technically had a bigger cultural impact than men walking on the fucking moon.

This madness continues to the point where there is genuine news articles about one of them revealing his face. Sorry, but all that happened is the mask slipped. He didn't die. He didn't spontaneously combust. If you're only watching his content cos you can't see his face, then his content is shit.

Or you need to have a word with yourselves about the true meaning of being a fan.
Daft Punk made a multi-decade music career wearing helmets. But I absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you they'd be just as famous if they took them off.
Because they have talent and loyal fans.

None of these hollow excuses for entertainers have even the tiniest fraction of the charisma and ability to become real personalities, able to stand next to true giants of the art. Instead relying on high volume, low effort drivel to stay relevant amongst the other slime and keep above the algorithm tidemark.

Long term? I have t shirts which have been around longer. When any of them hits Anthony Hopkins level of staying power, gimme a shout. Bruce Forsythes nail clippings have more raw ability than pewdiepie, t-whateverhisfuckingnameis, logan paul and that other retard he's always fighting combined.

In my opinion, such low effort, empty, talentless channels contribute to the worst tendencies of mankind and the sooner it dies, the better. All it promotes is more young simpletons with dreams of fast car (crashes) and empty relationships, sitting in front of a camera contemplating how many bottles of benadryl they'd need to drink to get 10,000 subscribers and hit the monetisation zone.
All it promotes is more fast product, consume product, bring in next fast product from fake people making fake content, so far removed from reality that laughing at suicides seems like a great idea to them until the backlash hits and the precious subscriber numbers drop.

Don't get me wrong. There are some people on Youtube that are supremely talented individuals in whatever field they're in. But if you can't see the difference between them, and pewdiepie, then I've got no words for you. Mark Rober worked for fucking NASA JPL and will succeed at whatever he does, wherever he does it.
Mr. Beast is more famous than the guy that helped build the Mars Curiosity rover, and all he had to do was stare at a wall until the paint dried.

Why bother training your body, honing your craft, rehearsing your routine, learning the tricks, creating the art, drafting the scripts, taking the hits, putting in the goddamned work, when all you have to do is stick on some anime cosplay, make a stupid face for your thirsty onlyFans and you'll make more money in a week selling your fucking bathwater than you could earn annually as a project manager designing engines for SpaceX.

But it's not that imbalance isn't what I hate most about all this. Supply drives demand and people will charge whatever people will pay. Do what you need to do, and if you get away with it, great.

What I do hate though with every cell in my cold, cynical, twisted body, from my fingertips right down to the core of my soul.
Beyond that spot reserved for the Space Launch System, craphats and early morning commuters is that fact that in this country there are people that would need to google the name of the guy largely responsible for winning the Battle of Britain, but know by face and name the man who spent an entire day playing with a fidget spinner on camera.

And beyond them, surrounded by an event horizon of rage so dense that even Legman keeps the fuck away, are those that see that as good thing and contentedly go back to their selfies and hashtags.

Now that's off my chest, here's a meme for the meme god.

View attachment 59856
In short, the number of views/likes is not a viable measurement of how skilled a person is :p

In a sense, I guess it's better than those persons devote their intelligence on stupid things rather than devoting their stupidity on intelligent things. It's a good thing that such content exists, it diverts dumb people from interesting places.

And there's no jealousy in what I say, I perfectly know I am nobody to those people. Just the same as they are nobody to me, so that's fair.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
In a sense, I guess it's better than those persons devote their intelligence on stupid things rather than devoting their stupidity on intelligent things. It's a good thing that such content exists, it diverts dumb people from interesting places
Stops them hurting themselves on things they don't understand. It'd be like the video of that linux turd being schooled on how a computer works by destin and a NASA engineer.

And there's no jealousy in what I say, I perfectly know I am nobody to those people. Just the same as they are nobody to me, so that's fair
Time will be kind to you. In 100 years time, they'll have no idea who Altair is. But they'll be able to find evidence of your work.
Mr Beast will fall into obscurity the second he stops becoming relevant.


Spiller of the Milky Way • Rocket Gluer
Christmas Event Category Winner
Moon Maker
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
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