ACS Program (Not a faction)



You should see the number of piece of s--- shuttles in YouTube, there are only one or two that can compete....
The thing is, nobody engineers them and fixes their peculiarities. Learns their behaviour. Develops them. No, just make something resembling the idea of a shuttle and show it off with infinite fuel.

Keep your trash, give me something that gave you sleepless nights to perfect. THEN I'll respect you and your work.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
The thing is, nobody engineers them and fixes their peculiarities. Learns their behaviour. Develops them. No, just make something resembling the idea of a shuttle and show it off with infinite fuel.

Keep your trash, give me something that gave you sleepless nights to perfect. THEN I'll respect you and your work.
I was sure I had deleted that post...

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
A) I can see anything you delete. B) Youtube
Then I totally agree! They just make thing to have something to show to gain suscribers, they don't put all their thoughts on one design, to make it better, make it cooler, they just... well I already said it.... They build to have something to show.

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
Then I totally agree! They just make thing to have something to show to gain suscribers, they don't put all their thoughts on one design, to make it better, make it cooler, they just... well I already said it.... They build to have something to show.
Yes it’s a shame, more often than not it’s rather disappointing


The engineer's work is hard and unglamorous but when that product hits the market it goes a much longer way than the flashy junk they sell by putting your brain in excitement mode with music.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
The engineer's work is hard and unglamorous but when that product hits the market it goes a much longer way than the flashy junk they sell by putting your brain in excitement mode with music.
You'll always feel proud of something YOU built, but when you see that design marking standards, you'll know your work paid off.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Second attempt
View attachment 15102
I'm more stuck...
Gonna need help...

Mayday Mayday Mayday, this is the ASA Shuttle Aspire. We have crash landed on Lunar on a test flight. All engines are offline. We have no EVA equipment and no recovery assets in the area. Life support is still operational but we suspect the hull is compromised.

Our coordinates are at 51 degrees, 24.3710 north, 3 degrees, 27.0116 West.

I say again, this is the the ACS Aspire of the ASA. We have crashed and are in the shit, over.

The above distress signal was received and the standing readiness team (1 Valkyrie and 3 crew) were crashed out in response. The Valkyrie is fitted with a new design of lift engines, a lifter drone rover and a prototype magnetic winch and hover system designed specifically for Luna operations.


Within minutes, the payload is fitted, certified and the Valkyrie is at full burn heading for LEO and an RV with the ASA station sitting at 50km


Prior to this, communications between the crew and the ASA station confirmed that additional fuel, logistics and supplies would be required for the mission and were blasted into LEO and docked remotely using Ark I drone rockets before the Valkyries arrival.


With the Valkyrie re-fuelled and a mini orbital tug attached, it breaks loose and powers off to the moon.


Mission complete, the ASC Aspire and her crew (including, to our surprise, the Faction President) safely docked at the ASA facility at Terran LEO


Valkyrie returned to launch site.

(Your .qks is attached dude)


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