Recent content by SFS Intel

  1. SFS Intel

    2018 | When Space Changed | Colonization Trailer

    No ETA yet but production has begun of a news type video, not the colonization series. Putting me and my new production team to the test ;)
  2. SFS Intel

    2018 | When Space Changed | Colonization Trailer

  3. SFS Intel

    SFS Intel Coming Back? (Rumored Video in production)

    Be sure to be there for the premiere ;)
  4. SFS Intel

    2018 | When Space Changed | Colonization Trailer

    “Colonization” is a series where I plan to educate and help spread the word about this modern day space race to the public. It saddens me to see how many people regard space travel as a “waste” and “is not exciting”, I’ve come here to disprove those claims. This series will consist of short...
  5. SFS Intel

    Long Overdue video | Cyall

    Yeah :/
  6. SFS Intel

    Saturn V Apollo 11 Mission Recreation

    Classic :0
  7. SFS Intel

    How to use the Planet editor for 1.4!

    People said it was hard...
  8. SFS Intel

    Community Youtube Channel

    False information? All of my sources are from government sites/History books. The only things I've gotten wrong in the past are the visuals such as the Jupiter -> Saturn mistake.
  9. SFS Intel

    SFS | Canadarm Model Demonstration

  10. SFS Intel

    Noobs Guide to Spaceflight Simulator | EP1 The Basics

    Lets get these noobs over to the pro side ;)
  11. SFS Intel

    I need an opinion

    This is an issue I have witnessed and I'm now encountering. He let me make a trailer for him that everyone seems to enjoy and to apply minor changes but...I had to scrap the whole thing because it wasn't up to par with what he wanted. I spent so much time and effort into it and even explained...
  12. SFS Intel

    SFS | The Parker Probe | Short Film

    Hopefully the Parker probe gets up there with no problems!
  13. SFS Intel

    SFS | Incredible and Amazing designs! | Dedicated to the devs

    The amazing things we can do :D