Recent content by Vi...

  1. Vi...

    How to convert 1.4 blueprint to 1.5 version?

    You should see my post in this forum you will get an idea what you have to do.
  2. Vi...


    I didn't saw this before (some things of forum)
  3. Vi...


    I don't know what is RP-1
  4. Vi...


    Have a cake on my birthday:p
  5. Vi...

    What is this

    I want to know which rocket is this
  6. Vi...

    I am crazy

    Yes but I changed that so I will recreat it and post
  7. Vi...


    Now I have only earth and moon
  8. Vi...


    Here you can see it is different
  9. Vi...


    But I have not seen that
  10. Vi...


    I reached moon and returned to earth with a 2t rocket
  11. Vi...


    How about creating a mini solar system with compressed version of all planets moon and sun. Give your suggestions
  12. Vi...

    Meet jeff

    Sorry Jeff hello hi.. Meet me I am vi...:D
  13. Vi...

    Guess why this happened

    No I didn't changed position of launchpad. But now I got understood that I changed the size of earth a little bit small so this happened.
  14. Vi...

    Guess why this happened

  15. Vi...

    I am crazy