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  1. ReEntry15

    Lil drop in

    Hello! I've seen many people mentioning me as absent and such so I'd like to clarify a few things There have been 2 reasons why I just "left" for a long time: 1. I've had a LOT of studying, homework, etc to work on infact I have a class presentation next week so good luck to me 2. I've kinda...
  2. ReEntry15

    Look guys it's peacetime :)

    Unless you live on the other side of the planet it's nighttime so we are all tired unless of course you actually live on the other side of the world :D This thread is not calling people out just saying stuff! So absolutely no offense meant @TtTOtW I know you are just trying to make peace but...
  3. ReEntry15

    Ideas for sfs for MikeWe

    Ok I'll mention @MikeWe here to get his attention so I would like all the ideas for sfs as the title says here Let's hope this works
  4. ReEntry15

    Some dank memes

  5. ReEntry15

    Jupiter's juniors 2 for anyone who didn't see 1

    Yes I know I know 1 thread is enough but ive got 0 juniors at the time of writing This I don't have the name thing yet but I am chancellor of Jupiter's moons in the solar alliance and since I'm quite early in my career I need co workers or juniors as the SA would have me call them to help with...
  6. ReEntry15

    Solar alliance juniors for the moons of Jupiter

    First I will probably check this thread In a week's time when I'm back from Spain or if I can get a WiFi signal il check it there too I don't have the name thing yet but I am chancellor of Jupiter's moons in the solar alliance and since I'm quite early in my career I need co workers or juniors...
  7. ReEntry15

    Official ceasing of axis faction

    Before I start the thread it's good to be back and seeing the forums more. I've missed all the nerds! Eventually I have to say that axis is basically a ghost town, nobody is online ever so I've decided it's best that we all forget the failure that axis was and with it forget the endless bluffs...
  8. ReEntry15


    btw this is not sfs but I guarantee you will laugh So I just came home from school and I will have an after school 45 min detention because... So while I was in religious studies (total shit just saying) I was told by my teacher to print a copy of my work but I was interested in the maximum...
  9. ReEntry15

    New Easter egg! I guess?

    Since I have recieved expert rank I got the trophy for it and I have translated it! (I used Google translate so don't think I know Slovenian) Here are my findings
  10. ReEntry15

    The perfect opportunity!

    Ok in this thread I had the idea that everyone would comment on it and everyone would like everyone so that EVERYONE gets expert so that's all Btw it's a bit like communism but with likes
  11. ReEntry15

    Can someone please explain?

    Recently I heard of an "acarii drive" which is supposed to not have any engines and it's basically a perpetual motion machine Anyway can someone tell me how it works and a blueprint if possible...
  12. ReEntry15


    Just before you read this I want to say that this is long but it explains all about the axis so if you want to join then I highly recommend you read it all Since our main conversation of weapons is full we will be recruiting soldiers in 4 new conversation that I will personally handle - space...
  13. ReEntry15

    See ya later alligator...

    Tommorow I will go on holiday to Croatia for a week and I probably won't respond in that time! I hope to see everyone after my trip and the allies defeated =^) At last I leave you with this, a political system to seize all productions and send traitors to the gulag.... Lol
  14. ReEntry15

    OUTRAGE!! or not...

    In the thread '' I saw tttotw (allied scum and funny guy who is also a moderator) saying that around 2 or 3 other DLCs are coming out and even though I dont have any solid evidence to confirm this I like to trust staff in what they say so here is my opinion on the matter... I personally want to...
  15. ReEntry15


    Alright let's just cut to the chase and miss out the boring stuff THIS IS AN IDEAS THREAD BELIEVE IT OR NOT! 1. Robotic service arm and I have to credit PlezPles for giving me the idea of putting his work in an ideas thread (check out the original thread with a concept art picture in the art...
  16. ReEntry15

    Bunch of cool rockets....

    Soviet and Russian rockets: 1.N1 moon rocket 2.Soyuz rocket (I took many ideas from RoosterIDK's video) American rockets: 1.Saturn V 2. Space shuttle (this is a really early version because I accidentally deleted the newer and better one) Private companies: 1. Electron rocket 2...
  17. ReEntry15

    Hahahaha lol...

    Girl: do you want to come over? Me: no I'm doing homework Girl: my parents aren't home ;) Me: To make sure this thread somehow links in with sfs I had a great idea to put the VASIMR engine into the game or other special or future engines
  18. ReEntry15

    Ha ha ha ha allies are done for!

    I can't contain my joy that we have 2 new recruits (Gunter and Marc) WHO DIDNT JOIN THE ALLIES BECAUSE WE ARE CLEARLY BETTER!! Anyways our new recruits are already working on weapon prototypes that the allies would only dream of and we now also have a moderator on our team so we are even...
  19. ReEntry15

    A bit about modding...

    I personally am not into modding the game because I really have no clue how to do it (if you do know I would appreciate if you taught me) but I see a lot of other mods that I would like to download but are pc only so if Stef follows on with the whole sharing system then a mods section would be...
  20. ReEntry15

    Russian hangover...

    All the Russian scientists had a party celebrating sputnik over at Stalin's place and all drank so much vodka that they are all asleep and will feel very sick when they wake up... Those damn Americans are hoping to launch their new rocket soon but the scientists can't work on their new rocket...
  21. ReEntry15

    I wonder...

    Is it just me shitposting way too much or is nobody making threads anymore? To fill in the rest of the thread with content I will now give some ideas I thought of while I was away yesterday 1. Stef you really need to add the rest of the outer planets and Pluto (it's a dwarf planet!) because I...
  22. ReEntry15


    So excited! If everything goes well I've heard that the next update is coming out tommorow!!!!! This is cool and I really hope that Stef can get everything together! Good luck Stef!
  23. ReEntry15


    I finally landed my lander on mars without crashing it and creating a huge explosion...on the last try! (Explosions in the distance) But at least I got there in the end! Here is the picture of the lander and a nice explanation as the cherry on top. I will go from top to bottom This first part...
  24. ReEntry15

    Some good news and some bad...

    Good news is that Stef is adding a rocket sharing system but I think that this is just the catalyst for multiplayer! We will destroy those damn allies!!! Bad news is that my lander design has failed lol.
  25. ReEntry15

    My new rocket...boi!!

    This thread is less shitposty than the rest... I just want to share my new launch vehicle so maybe I could give people some ideas and a free rocket design! This beast of a rocket has 2 solid rocket boosters (I know it's liquid fueled) and 1 core stage. It can get to orbit without the upper...