Search results

  1. Space observer

    Chaos star pack

    It may be challenging to reach it. This pack adds Chaos star - Star. EA-5 - A copy of earth orbiting Chaos star. MA-2 - Copy of Mars orbiting chaos star. Cosuto - Gas giant with rings orbiting chaos star. Also it have a moon. EU-91 - A copy of europa orbiting Cosuto. Also it does have strange...
  2. Space observer

    Team titan entry

    this is my team titan entry i hope i did everything right thats all
  3. Space observer

    Very classic mars lander

    very classic mars lander, nothing new
  4. Space observer

    Solar system , But something is wrong

    Moons are planets now! But Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter is missing.
  5. Space observer

    Missing solar system

    I'm on version, Android So I was creating an solar system and when I started to test it I saw that everything is missing, What I did wrong?
  6. Space observer

    Sputnik 1

    A "simple" Sputnik 1. Made in USSR
  7. Space observer


    SLS and Orion, rate it 0/10
  8. Space observer

    Looking for good textures for planets

    Im creating the Maxleff system (fictional). There will be 4 planets. Jezebel planet (color:red, and purple spot) Groodema Vuta (purple) Hybrid (green|blue|white)
  9. Space observer

    Ariane 6

    An Ariane 6, of course... Screenshots:
  10. Space observer

    Black hole system

    A black hole system Minase and ilo
  11. Space observer

    Numius system

    Note: Numius system doesnt exist in real life. ( File is too big so R.I.P Fro and ielo :[ ) This system have: 10 planets 2 gas giants 3 moons
  12. Space observer

    Anyone with atmosphere texture?

    Im creating a Numius system (this system doesnt exist in real life), and i need some atmosphere texture. Atmospheres needed - 6 Colors - Gray, white, Blue, Purple.
  13. Space observer

    Taraltulus expansion (TE)

    Its my first system.
  14. Space observer

    What meme solar system i should create?

    Thread open
  15. Space observer

    Saturn V by space observer

    I made the saturn V, to test my skills at building. I want someone rate it