
  1. Why2k4

    Solved Anton Roche Community-Wide Ban Appeal

    Username: Anton Roche#0125 Discord ID: 494804336363438090 Reddit Username: u/Anton_Roche_YT Date: (Ban: 08/01/2020) (Appeal: 24/01/2020) Reason: "Flef told me that you were leaking some [redacted] information and refusing to stop. He requested a community-wide ban." - One of the Reddit mods (it...
  2. Why2k4

    Solved Anton Roche Ban Appeal

    Username: Anton Roche#0125 Discord ID: 494804336363438090 Date: (Ban: 27/11/2019) (Appeal: 28/11/2019) Reason: Posted a meme and got kicked, came back and asked sarge for my member back and he said: "No, but you can get this ban". Why I should be unbanned: It was an unfair ban as all I did was...