
  1. Blazer Ayanami

    Shuttle? Rover? No! Mobile Base on Titan!

    What if you mix a Rover with a Base? You obtain a Mobile Base… What if you now mix that with a shuttle? You should obtain something like this… Meet Huygens, the Mobile Base Carrier or MBC Huygens. So, let’s follow the mission. This mission is basically designed to work LIKE an STS, but not...
  2. Zeeray13

    Millenium Enterprises: April Preview

    So starting off with developments from the last 2 weeks the first being; the first Lunar shipyard. Additions will come with time and soon there will be a Orbital shipyard above the moon. Current LineUp: Rockets: - Kestrel Mk.3 (and its modules) - Minotuar II - Gigantus Shuttle Colony Ships...