8BitCosmonaut Face Reveal



In the new year I silently, but now openly for the sake of clarity, endeavour to be less of an offense based spoil sport. Rules are rules but we can use them or oppress people by them. I am easing up a bit. Nobody's untouchable though. I just want to make this a happier place (and not ruin what good is here)
In the new year I silently, but now openly for the sake of clarity, endeavour to be less of an offense based spoil sport. Rules are rules but we can use them or oppress people by them. I am easing up a bit. Nobody's untouchable though. I just want to make this a happier place (and not ruin what good is here)
so.....I'm gonna be banned again? Sorry, just a little bit pissed off back there.
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Idiotic Professor
Is this what Social Justice Warriors do nowadays? Become offended for people who aren't even offended in the first place? The post doesn't even have your name on it, stand aside and cool off.
Pretty sure he meant that ironically judging from the fact it's in all lower case and has no full stop on it.