Additions to the fleet


Merlin Master
1st is a re-fit to an older design of corvette both improving its manuverability and its range. I added this to help support its role to help screen against fighters for larger ships that dont have the speed for that.(just in case SE wants to complain about any credit for weapons the RCS launchers were made by Danny Batton). Images(1. Complete ship for showing purposes 2. Ship after orbital drop test):



2. On the list is the 1st Generation of Oribital Defense Platforms (ODP's). Capable of ripping through most ships with 1 or 2 shots allows us to free up some ships for frontline use. 12 are planned for use over Pluto for the first Generation each requiring 7 missions to construct. A second generation is planned for 24 of these to further protect Pluto. Goals for the 2nd generation are: 1. Reduce construction time for rapid deployment 2. Increase damage output without sacraficing rail spacing size.