
Don't know much about Africa, they still look like they are fucking around and being a failed state, China is almost ready. We've successfully tested the YF-100 rocket engine, and we are going for the moon. Once that's done we'll make those American bastards know that we still have a few scores to settle.
Look, I don't mean to go that over the top, but every time it comes to politics, I get very riled up. So how about we put that behind us, eh?


No I mean the white government did well here. It was when they handed it to rebels that the shit struck the fan


(I'm white, for the record) In Zimbabwe they killed them and paid the price. In South Africa it is bad but nowhere near its potential because the government still shows some restraint, though not much. They mostly just turn a blind eye to the reality. But burglars still fear death. So having guns and security goes some way. In Zimbabwe, it was a government order: go kill the whites and take the land.


Trying to establish black power. No different from Nazis except that they were taken over a long time ago by pre-nazi era Nazis
Trying to establish black power. No different from Nazis except that they were taken over a long time ago by pre-nazi era Nazis Now that is something the news media will never publish, my heart skipped a beat when you said "Black equivalent nazis", I would say that they can rival the KKK, but on a larger scale.