Athena Program (Fictional)


Man on the Moon
Program Summary
The Athena program is a program to gain intel on mars, the participating space centers are: NASA, LSSC, SpaceX, and Blue Origin. This Post will focus on LSSC launches ONLY.

Athena 1- Athena 1 is the first rocket to successfully reach LMO with probed satellites.
Athena 1 (Athena I) will carry the LCSA V2 all the way to LMO and then deploy the payload.
Athena 1:


Launch: (updated in comments)


Man on the Moon
I would like to point out (if you couldn’t tell by the title) that this post is completely fictional, apart from the space companies that are blatantly real. LSSC is the only fictional company in that list, it stands for Louisiana state space center (which is obv fake). I just wanted to clarify this for anyone that might somehow confuse this with real life.


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Team Valiant
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Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
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More mission will be posted here such as the Athena II (Athena 2). So keep an eye out!
RP is good, but individual posts for the countdown numbers are just unnecessary. :) That can all go into a single post, and remember that each post can have up to 20 images.