Solved Base game parts


Alliance’s New President // Likes SpaceX replicas
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Team Valiant
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
Could someone please provide a list of the base game parts? If so, thanks!

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
Probe, Parachute, Side Parachute, 5t 2x4 fuel tank, 10t 4x4 fuel tank, 20t 8x4 fuel tank, Hawk engine, Broadsword Engine,
1x4 Separator, Side separator, landing leg, no’s cone, small wheel, 1x2 docking port, RCS, 7.5t 2x6 fuel tank, 15t 4x6 fuel tank, 1x6 separator, Aerodynamic side no cone, Aerodynamic Fuselage, 3x6 cone faring, 3x6 middle faring, 3x8 bottom faring, grasshopper engine, 1x1 strut, 1x2 strut, 1x4 strut, 1x8 strut, solar panel, 1x2 battery, 1x4 battery,