Bulk part editing software [concept]


Alliance’s Executor // Unstable and Toxic
Moon Maker
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
MOTY 2021
More editing software? Seriously?

Ok Ok, hear me out. This thing could be really useful.

Since BP text files are basically in the .json format*, I could use python to iterate and modify selected stuff inside.

*Disclaimer: I don't really know what I'm talking about.

Let's say you have an old blueprint with lots of upside down (y: 1.0 and 135° < z < 315° or y: -1.0 and z < 135° or z > 315°) cones with the flat texture - their shading would be broken! There is a way to mitigate this by changing the height value to negative. You'd be able to select some variables for the parts (part type, coords etc) identification, then you'd select the variables you'd want to change and the values you'd want to use.

I'm still wondering about how I would do it (I think I could make a gui for it in kivy, at least I would learn how to use classes).