Open Can you make a multiplayer mod.


Veteran Astronaut
what worries me. if the game requires 2 GB RAM I could not play anymore. I will not change the phone .. 250 € for a game 5 €. I have a family


Veteran Astronaut
For young people who want to learn how to build games for free. Game engines 3d or 2d GODOT. On the internet there are many tutorials. he is multiple bones

James Brown

Thinker/INTJ/investigator/Natural Science lover
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Multiplayer is a good idea but beware of war!

James Brown

Thinker/INTJ/investigator/Natural Science lover
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
So the multiplayer will be like ksp 2?


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Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Just make like dmp.Use time warp and sync with others when you are not in danger of synccrashing to a planet.
It's not about sync crashing into a planet.

It's about the planet being in different places for different people because people are in different game times depending on how much time warp they use.

Orbital mechanics says no.

It'll be interesting to see how KSP 2 gets around this without some kind of FTL drives or just making you sit and watch the screen for a month cos you have to do a 1:1 time transfer to Duna


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Voyager Quest
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It doesn't take years to do a transfer to Duna without timewarp.
Well, I suppose you might have to wait a bit longer for the right window if your dV is super limited.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
It's not just the transfer flight itself. It's also waiting for the transfer window to open in the first damn place.