CrunchSpace Diamond 6.0 + R.A.D.A.R/Pathfinder

Introducing... the brand new Diamond 6.0!
The CrunchSpace Diamond 6.0 is the pinnacle of modern vanilla rocketry.
It has a 1.83 Thrust to Weight Ratio without any payloads and it is mostly used for satellite launching and docking various spacecraft with the Space Station. It has two boosters with a titan engine on each one. The first stage contains three frontier engines. Its second stage powered by 2-3 frontier engines which takes the payload to orbit.

The Diamond 6.0's payload on its maiden flight, the R.A.D.A.R (Remote Advanced/Automatic Docking Assistant and Relocator, also known as Pathfinder is exactly what it sounds like. It assists in docking spacecraft to a space station, or other spacecraft. It features four highly efficient ion engines, and RCS thrusters on every side. It supports both types of docking ports used by the organization. The one-port and three-port docking ports.

The Diamond 6.0 Launch Vehicle
Diamond 6.0 Screenshot.png

The Diamond 6.0 in flight
6.0 thumnail.png

The Pathfinder module, Gaia Space Station
Pathfinder on GSS.png
