To be c.e.I of my space program... THE CSSP (Canadian-Soviet-space-program) and I want to collaborate with the etherian space program like the Soyuz Apollo mission
TL;DR I get a space craft into orbit and share you the save through conversation and then you make your own space craft to dock were both using the tiny docking port cause of my ocd

The Dark in the Light

So Russia launched a Soyuz and had a launched an Apollo into orbit they rocked shakes hands and told stories and went back and landed ending the space race
Ja I know about that.
TL;DR I get a space craft into orbit and share you the save through conversation and then you make your own space craft to dock were both using the tiny docking port cause of my ocd
Ok, I'm using Gurrren Lagann's planet pack (Just the core pack), What pack are you using?

Lt. Snakestrike

The Kronian Serpent; Mechanical Engineer.
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Head Professor
To be c.e.I of my space program... THE CSSP (Canadian-Soviet-space-program) and I want to collaborate with the etherian space program like the Soyuz Apollo mission
Next time, before making a declaration, talk to the person you want to work with...